State Management in React

Nouraldin Alsweirki
7 min readJun 7, 2023



State management is a crucial aspect of building robust and scalable applications in React. As applications grow in complexity, managing the state becomes increasingly challenging. To address this, different state management approaches have emerged, offering developers various tools and methodologies. Three popular categories in the React ecosystem are Centralized, Reactive, and Atomic state management.

Centralized state management, exemplified by libraries like Redux, promotes a predictable state container and a unidirectional data flow. Reactive state management, demonstrated by libraries like Mobx, focuses on automatic updates to components based on changes in the state. On the other hand, atomic state management, with Jotai as an example, emphasizes breaking down the state into smaller, independent pieces, simplifying state management within components.

In this article, we will delve into these three state management categories, exploring their core principles, benefits, and differences. By understanding the nuances of each category, developers can make informed decisions when choosing a state management solution that best fits their project requirements and development preferences.

1. Centralized State Management

Centralized state management is a widely adopted approach for managing state in React applications. It provides a structured and predictable way to handle state changes throughout the application. Redux, one of the most popular centralized state management libraries, exemplifies this approach. Here are the key aspects of centralized state management:

  1. Single Global Store: In centralized state management, the application state is stored in a single global store. This store serves as a single source of truth, holding the entire state of the application.
  2. Unidirectional Data Flow: Centralized state management enforces a unidirectional data flow, which ensures that state changes occur in a predictable manner. Components access the state from the store, and any modifications to the state are performed through dispatched actions.
  3. Reducers and Actions: State mutations in centralized state management are handled by pure functions called reducers. These reducers take the current state and an action as input and return a new state. Actions are objects that describe the type of state change to be made.
  4. Immutability and Pure Functions: Redux encourages immutability and the use of pure functions. Immutable updates ensure that the state remains unchanged, providing a clear history of state changes. Pure functions make state modifications more predictable and facilitate easy testing and debugging.
  5. Middleware and Ecosystem: Redux has a thriving ecosystem with a wide range of middleware and tools available. Middleware, such as Redux Thunk or Redux Saga, allows handling asynchronous operations and side effects within the state management flow.

Centralized state management, with Redux as a prime example, offers a structured and disciplined approach to managing state in React applications. Its unidirectional data flow, immutability, and extensive ecosystem make it well-suited for complex projects where maintaining a clear and predictable state is paramount.

2. Reactive State Management

Reactive state management is another approach that focuses on automatic updates to components based on changes in the underlying state. It provides a more declarative and intuitive way of managing state in React applications. Mobx, a popular reactive state management library, showcases this approach. Let’s explore the key aspects of reactive state management:

  1. Observable Data Structures: Reactive state management leverages observable data structures to track changes in the state. These observables enable the system to automatically detect dependencies between components and trigger updates when relevant data changes.
  2. Automatic Component Updates: In a reactive system, components subscribe to observables. Whenever there is a change in the observed data, the affected components are automatically updated. This eliminates the need for explicit state management code and reduces the developer’s cognitive load.
  3. Declarative Programming Model: Reactive state management promotes a more declarative programming model. Instead of imperatively updating the state and handling side effects, developers define computations and derived values based on the observables. The system automatically manages the reactivity and ensures that the derived values stay up to date.
  4. Computed Values and Actions: Reactive state management typically provides mechanisms for handling computed values and actions. Computed values are derived values that depend on the state and are automatically recalculated when their dependencies change. Actions encapsulate state changes and side effects, allowing developers to encapsulate complex logic within the state management flow.

Reactive state management, exemplified by Mobx, offers a more intuitive and declarative approach to handling state in React applications. Its automatic component updates, observables, and computed values simplify the process of managing state dependencies. Reactive systems are particularly useful for projects that prioritize simplicity, maintainability, and reducing boilerplate code related to state management.

3. Atomic State Management

Atomic state management is a lightweight and component-centric approach to state management in React applications. It focuses on breaking down the application state into smaller, independent pieces called atoms. Jotai, a notable atomic state management library, showcases this approach. Let's explore the key aspects of atomic state management:

  1. State as Atoms: In atomic state management, the state is represented as individual atoms. Each atom represents a discrete piece of state that can be defined independently. Atoms can hold primitive values, objects, or even complex data structures.
  2. Colocation with Components: Atomic state management encourages colocating state with the components that rely on it. This approach simplifies the understanding and maintenance of state, as the relevant state is directly associated with the components that use it. It reduces the need for separate stores or global objects.
  3. Direct Access and Modification: Components can directly access and modify the atoms without relying on a centralized store or dispatching actions. This simplicity and directness make atomic state management appealing for smaller projects or scenarios where a lightweight approach is preferred.
  4. Composition of Atoms: Atoms can be composed to create more complex state structures. By combining multiple atoms, developers can represent compound states or encapsulate related pieces of state into a single logical unit. This composition enables a flexible and scalable approach to managing state.
  5. Lightweight and Minimalistic: Atomic state management, as exemplified by Jotai, focuses on providing a lightweight and minimalistic API. It avoids unnecessary abstractions and embraces a more direct approach to state management, keeping the bundle size small and reducing complexity.

Atomic state management offers a modern and simplified approach to state management in React applications. With its emphasis on colocating state with components, direct access to atoms, and lightweight nature, it provides a straightforward and intuitive API. Atomic state management, such as Jotai, is well-suited for small to medium-sized projects where a lightweight and component-centric approach is preferred.


Let’s compare the three state management categories — Centralized, Reactive, and Atomic — in terms of their approach, complexity and flexibility, ecosystem and community, and developer experience:


  • Centralized (Redux): Offers a centralized state container with a unidirectional data flow, emphasizing immutability and pure functions.
  • Reactive (Mobx): Provides automatic component updates based on observed state changes, with a focus on a declarative programming model and handling computed values and actions.
  • Atomic (Jotai): Uses individual atoms to represent state, promoting colocating state with components and a lightweight, direct approach to state management.

Complexity and Flexibility:

  • Centralized (Redux): Suitable for complex applications with a strict separation of concerns and a predictable state flow but can involve more boilerplate code.
  • Reactive (Mobx): Offers flexibility and simplicity, especially for smaller projects, by automatically handling state updates and reducing explicit state management code.
  • Atomic (Jotai): Provides a lightweight and minimalistic approach, allowing for direct access to state atoms and easy composition of atoms for complex state structures.

Ecosystem and Community:

  • Centralized (Redux): Benefits from an extensive ecosystem with a wide range of middleware and tools available, making it suitable for various use cases.
  • Reactive (Mobx): Has a growing community and supports reactive programming patterns, with libraries and resources available for handling different scenarios.
  • Atomic (Jotai): Relatively new but gaining traction, with an evolving ecosystem and community support for its modern approach to state management.

Developer Experience:

  • Centralized (Redux): Requires adherence to strict patterns and concepts like reducers and actions, but provides clear debugging and traceability.
  • Reactive (Mobx): Reduces boilerplate code and provides a more declarative and intuitive programming experience, simplifying state management.
  • Atomic (Jotai): Simplifies state management with a lightweight and direct approach, promoting component-centric state handling and a minimalistic API.

Each state management category has its strengths and is suitable for different project requirements. Centralized state management (Redux) is beneficial for large-scale applications with complex state interactions. Reactive state management (Mobx) simplifies state updates and suits projects prioritizing simplicity and reactivity. Atomic state management (Jotai) is well-suited for smaller projects, focusing on lightweight, component-centric state management.

When selecting a state management approach, developers should consider the specific needs of their project, including its complexity, scalability, and development preferences. The choice ultimately depends on finding the right balance between structure, simplicity, and flexibility for the given application context.


In the world of React state management, three prominent categories have emerged: Centralized, Reactive, and Atomic. Each category offers distinct approaches and benefits, catering to different project requirements and developer preferences.

In the upcoming articles, we will delve into each state management category, exploring Redux, Mobx, and Jotai in detail. We will provide examples and practical demonstrations to help you understand and utilize these libraries effectively in your React applications. Stay tuned to learn more about each category and enhance your state management skills.

