Setting up a React-Native Cross-Platform App

Including a universal .env file for your project

3 min readJun 17, 2017


This is not a tutorial but a recipe, or workflow if you like, mainly for my own future use.
If you find any typo’s or errors I appreciate the comment.

Est. Implementation Time: 15 Mins.

Setting up React-Native on OSX

Update homebrew or install if you don’t have it

brew update

Most of you probably have node.js installed (if you dont: brew install node), so let’s make sure it’s updated:
(`node -v` in terminal will show the version installed)

brew upgrade node

Install watchman (watching hard drive for file changes)

brew install watchman

Install the react-native-cli

npm install -g react-native-cli

If you get a Error: Cannot find module ‘semver’ type these in terminal:
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules
sudo rm -rf ~/.npm
brew uninstall --force node
brew install node

Woohoo! we’re ready to create a react-native project

Create a new react-native app

react-native init APPNAME

One of the most important libraries I use for development is eslint. The best code linting solution I’ve found so far. Let’s install it:

Install eslint globally

npm install -g eslint

Install the best rule-set config file for react-native by rallycoding

yarn add eslint-config-rallycoding --dev

After that we need to create a .eslintrc file in our project dir with this content, so that eslint knows what file to use:

"extends": "rallycoding"

We’re done setting up, let’s start coding

I’m always building my react-native app as cross-platform for both Android and iOS. So let’s create a new app.js file with one single app component to be called from both index.XXX.js platform files:

One app.js file to rule them all

Create a new src directory.

Create a new app.js file in it

Add this content:

Now we need to make both platform specific files to read the app.js, so we import the app.js App component in both files. Note that adding a .js extension to imports in React is not needed

Change the APPNAME string to the app name you’ve used to init the react-native app

One more thing before we’re done, if you’re familiar with Laravel or other .env supporting frameworks, you’re going to enjoy react-native-config. In a nutsheel, you write your config vars like API location on a single file and import it to your js files when needed.

yarn add react-native-config
react-native link react-native-config

Create a new file .env in the root of your React Native app:


Then access variables defined there from your app:

import Config from 'react-native-config'Config.API_URL  // ''
Config.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY // 'abcdefgh'

That’s it! You’re ready to move on to React-Native email authentication with Firebase

This article is constantly updating to meet best practices and libraries. Got something to add? Hit that comment button.

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I've spent the last 12 years in various creative, growth, marketing and development positions. Founded 3 startups.