Nova Token update — May 2019

Nova Token
4 min readJan 3, 2020


Good day all,

Welcome to the monthly Nova Token update. May has been a month full of new faces, new challenges and a lot of elbow grease tossed in. Let’s kick things off.


Daily social media engagement across Telegram, Twitter and Facebook is now on-going. To help increase awareness we are looking at getting a PR boost for both the mainstream crypto press and the mainstream tech and gaming communities. Money strategically invested into this area is going to pay dividends given the amount of work already completed in development. The social media and content creation bounties are now in-progress and a separate update for those will be addressed by CCO, Chris Lovell.

Lastly, Nova now has a company page on LinkedIn and will be conducting a series of marketing efforts on the platform including publishing unique, company curated content.


The team is busy working away on multiple exchange listing applications. We consider this one of the highest priority needs for the platform and token right now so a concerted effort is being made to secure several quality exchange listings. As soon as we have formed partnerships with some of these exchanges and they are ready to jointly make an announcement, the Nova community will be the first to know. In today’s environment, getting listed often takes a mix of time, due diligence, money in the form of listing fees and even connections can play a role. We look forward to offering the Nova community more compelling ways to buy and sell NVT in the near future.


The website rebrand is underway and with it, a new and improved whitepaper will be published. The site and whitepaper will reflect the new team and direction for the platform going into 2020. As always, the Nova community will be the first to know and we will make sure news like this is also broadcast across social media.


The team has been busy since formally coming together last month and things got even busier in May. We are proud to announce two new team members to the Nova project, Josh Morton and Matthew Quirk. Both Josh and Matt have an extensive background in the gaming and technology realms and have merged that with a love of blockchain. They each bring a unique skill set and passion to see Nova succeed so they are welcome additions. The current team looks like.

Matt will be helping out with more tech and development focused matters for us while Josh will be assisting in managing the many projects within Nova while also adding in his business development expertise. The current Nova team currently looks like:

Jason Cassidy — Chief Executive Officer

Paul Barclay — Chief Technology Officer

Chris Lovell — Chief Communications Officer

Steve Wand — Chief Marketing Officer

Kimberley Cassidy — Community Manager

Matthew Quirk — Development

Josh Morton — Business Development

The team is looking to expand so if you are reading this and feel like you have something to contribute, please reach out to us. We are also looking to expand our advisory board with some of the best blockchain and gaming talent on the planet. We are very fortunate to have Richard Garfield on our advisory board and will continue to leverage the great minds we have access to when possible. Nova’s current advisory board is:

Richard Garfield

Skaff Elias

Mark Pui

Acquiring some blockchain-specific talent to balance out the considerable CCG IQ we are fortunate to have will be a priority for us. If you know of someone who you feel may be a good fit to be an advisor for Nova, reach out to us.


Our CMO, Steve Wand attended several conferences in the month of May for Nova. In the near future Steve will be conducting write-ups on these events as well as taking pictures and video when possible. An updated list of future conferences, new connections established and conference takeaways will be posted on the website as well as on Telegram.


We are proud to announce the formation of a new company behind Nova, NFT Platform Limited. NFT Platform is based out of Antigua and has been selected in this jurisdiction specifically for its progressive stance towards healthy regulation of the online gaming sector. One of the issues Nova had in the past was its placement in the US and thus under the direct purview of the SEC. To alleviate this concern the new company was established in Antigua so that operations can progress without hitch. Jason is currently calling Antigua home and works directly with the government and prime minister to help craft sensible blockchain and cryptocurrency laws, so Nova is well positioned on the regulatory front.


While the focus will be on marketing and general awareness of the platform, real work is beginning behind the scenes to position our development strategy. Reviewing our current technological direction, competitors in the industry, trends, budget and resourcing are all areas the team is focusing on. Developing new use cases as well as reaching out to potential development resources are also happening to ensure we have the help required to bring the platform to completion by years end. Some of the work conducted here will be evident in the whitepaper and roadmap for 2020 and beyond.


Now that we have a company formed we have a legal entity to partner with other well matched parties in the industry. We are speaking with a number of companies and groups about partnerships of all kinds. Once something tangible and legally in place we will let the Nova community know first.

There is quite a bit more than just the above that has taken place over the past month of May but this gives you all a closer look into who we are and what we are doing. And of course, you do not need to wait until the end of the month to hear about Nova. The Nova Telegram group is where all the discussions happen so check us out and become part of the community yourself!

— Jason Cassidy, CEO.

