The best UX/UI design checklist.

Ensuring that the design is consistent, user-friendly, accessible, and visually appealing.

3 min readFeb 21, 2023

Are you a UX / UI designer?

Today, we want to talk to you about the importance of self-evaluation in our line of work.

As UX designers, we often have to juggle multiple projects and deadlines. With so much going on, it’s easy to fall into the trap of simply completing a project and moving on to the next one without taking a moment to reflect on our work. But self-evaluation is crucial to our growth as designers.

When we evaluate our work, we can identify what worked well and what didn’t. We can learn from our mistakes and improve our process for the next project. It also allows us to identify areas of our work that we might be overlooking, such as accessibility or inclusivity.

But where do we start with self-evaluation? That’s where a checklist comes in handy. A checklist can help us break down the key elements of our design and ensure that we are covering all the necessary aspects. It can help us catch potential issues early on in the design process and avoid costly mistakes.

Some of the items on a UX design checklist might include usability, accessibility, user research, visual design, and content strategy. By going through this checklist regularly, we can stay on top of our work and ensure that we are producing high-quality designs.

Try this checklist!

Nova- UX/UI Design Checklist
Nova- UX/UI Design Checklist

Some of the things you will be evaluating with this checklist: Desirability, Usability, Accuracy, Accessibility, and Responsiveness.

You can also add additional sections and create your own checklist.

Secondly, you can invite your team to this checklist and gather their feedback. We find this extremely useful as sometimes we get to close to our own designs.

Here are a few reasons why UX and UI designers like you should self-evaluate their work and use a checklist:

  1. Ensures the user experience is top-notch. By self-evaluating your work and using a checklist, you can ensure that the design is easy to use, accessible, and visually appealing. By doing so, you can provide your users with an optimal user experience, which can help increase user satisfaction and encourage user retention.
  2. Helps catch errors before they become problems. Using a checklist can help you catch errors before they become problems. For example, by checking the consistency of the design, you can ensure that all elements of the design are working together and are not causing confusion for users. This can save you time and resources by preventing the need for costly redesigns down the line.
  3. Encourages continuous improvement. Self-evaluation and using a checklist can help encourage continuous improvement.

So, I encourage you to take the time to self-evaluate your work and utilize a checklist to ensure that your designs are top-notch.

Happy designing!

The Nova design team :)

