Time for a Hard Reset : Monk Mode

Second Wind
2 min readJan 12, 2022

Another year has passed and I haven’t grown tad bit. I have grown physically like a mule but my discernment not. All my life, I have lived in indulgence and instant gratification. And I am at my weakest. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. And it’s not like I am getting any younger. I am 31 years old.

It is time for a hard reset. It is time for an internal revolution, a paradigm shift. It is time to impose some rules onto myself and be militant about it.

I am so sick of being a “sad cunt”. I need to transform myself into a “sick cunt” or at least die trying.

So how should I go about it? Let’s start with:

  1. No more mindless scrolling on social media especially youtube
  2. Only 1 hour of video game each day
  3. Don’t even think about watching porn. Reject it like poison
  4. No constant checking yourself in front of the mirror
  5. No shying away from social situations or awkward confrontations
  6. No “Simping”
  7. No day dreaming or zoning out. Always stay engaged in something productive
  8. Care less about things you can’t control. e.g. other’s opinion, certain events
  9. Remember things you are blessed with ; health, family, friends, freedom, certain luxuries
  10. Replace consumption with creation
  11. Stay organized and clean
  12. Lift weights like a maniac everyday
  13. Get enough sleep
  14. Eat clean and drink plenty of water
  15. Read more
  16. Write each day no matter what
  17. Practise guitar each day no matter what
  18. Breathing meditation each day no matter what
  19. Approach more girls and strike up a conversation
  20. Save and invest

I need to impose this mindset upon myself to do things no matter how hard they are at the moment. This is the only chance for me to redeem myself. The ultimatum is — I either get used to being comfortable doing these hard things or remain a sad loser for the rest of my life.



Second Wind

Just your average run-of-the-mill guy in pursuit of personal optimisation.