Why I Moved to Austin

How to anticipate change in life

Christian Novicki
3 min readJun 4, 2018


Intentionally walking into change is an existential feat.

We are creatures of habit. We like routine. We are wired for security and certainty. Yet other parts of our physiology, namely our brains, crave novelty. The desire to experience something brand new. Even in the past several years the discovery has been made that we literally have neural mechanisms that allow for new brain cell development, given new experiences.

Why do we hesitate to take the first step into the unknown?

I’ve lived in Kentucky 27 years.
I spent 17 years in school in Kentucky.
Most of my friends are in Kentucky.
I had access to great people, places, and experiences in Kentucky.

Yet, I felt like there was more to learn by venturing outside of my environment.

Back in November of 2017, I visited Austin with a few friends. Matt Dampier, a friend from Lexington, KY, had taken a job as a priest at an Anglican church in the downtown Austin area. He traveled back and forth for several months, before relocating permanently. Knowing that I was anticipating some life change myself, he invited me along on a particular trip. This visit to Austin was…



Christian Novicki

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