Novlet.cominEchoes from NovletO Covil dos InocentesMorar no escritório nunca é uma opção. Ninguém gosta de misturar vida profissional com vida pessoal, não que eu tenha tido vida pessoal…Feb 2, 2016Feb 2, 2016
Novlet.cominEchoes from NovletDas „zufällige“ Treffen an der HaltestelleNeben ihm stand sie nun. Wesentlich kleiner als er war sie. Seit einer Weile wusste er, mit welchem Bus und von welcher Haltestelle die…Jan 31, 2016Jan 31, 2016
Novlet.cominEchoes from Novlet蘇生に続く混乱の表現暗闇の中に白い鳥が飛んでいた。オレの視界のちょうど真ん中に、白い鳥が飛んでいた。オレは手を伸ばすが白い鳥には届かない。しばらくすると、その鳥は光り輝いていることが分かった。その光はどんどん大きくなり、暗闇の中の光となってオレの視界に入り込んできた。どんどん、大きくなって――そして…Jan 31, 2016Jan 31, 2016
Novlet.cominEchoes from NovletUn brusco risveglioFu svegliato di colpo dal suono dell’allarme. In tutti gli anni trascorsi su quella nave ci aveva fatto l’abitudine. Spesso, una volta…Jan 31, 2016Jan 31, 2016
Novlet.cominEchoes from NovletCyberpunkLa luce sintetica dei cartelli pubblicitari disegnava degli strani motivi sulle retine di Jamie, quando sbatteva le palpebre. Non era…Jan 23, 2016Jan 23, 2016
Novlet.cominEchoes from NovletC’era una voltaTutte le favole cominciano allo stesso modo. Che pizza!! Sarebbe ora di cambiare il genere, perchè non cominciare dalla fine? Allora… Tutti…Jan 20, 2016Jan 20, 2016
Novlet.cominEchoes from NovletL’Obelisco e l’umanità perdutaCapitolo 1 — Incontro ai Nove VentiJan 20, 20162Jan 20, 20162
Novlet.cominEchoes from NovletVortexI was awoken by the sound of the phone ringing. It was late. I checked my alarm clock — 3am. “Who could be ringing at this time of night?”…Jan 20, 2016Jan 20, 2016
Novlet.cominEchoes from NovletThe Night WatchmanIt was two o’clock in the morning and Ashley Bowman was still awake. Josh, her husband of six months, lay beside her, his chest moving up…Jan 20, 2016Jan 20, 2016
Novlet.cominEchoes from NovletWire JacksAs he boarded the Tramcar, Cozy couldn’t tell if his ocular hack had already begun to trip him out, or if he was just way too charged up…Jan 20, 2016Jan 20, 2016