Generating Shapes with CSS Clip Path is Easy!

Svetloslav Novoselski
3 min readJust now
CSS Clip path
CSS Clip-path

Imagine you’re a web designer standing at the shore of a vast ocean, the waves crashing at your feet, each one unique and mesmerizing. What if you could harness that natural beauty and bring it to your web designs effortlessly? Enter CSS clip-path — your ticket to a world where you can shape and mold your web elements into anything you envision. In this blog, we’ll embark on a journey to explore what CSS clip-path is, how to wield its power, and introduce a magical tool that lets you create stunning wave designs with just a few clicks.

What is CSS Clip Path?

Picture this: you’re an artist with a pair of magic scissors. CSS clip-path is your magic tool, allowing you to cut out sections of an element in any shape you desire. Whether it’s a perfect circle, a quirky polygon, or a wave that flows across the screen, clip-path makes it possible. Let’s start with a simple example:

.element {
clip-path: circle(50% at 50% 50%);

Here, we’ve snipped our element into a perfect circle, centred exactly in the middle. The beauty of clip-path lies in its simplicity and versatility.

How to Use CSS Clip Path

As we journey deeper, you’ll find that clip-path offers various shapes to play with:

