Custom status code matcher for API testing in Python with PyHamcrest

Luděk Nový
2 min readMay 15, 2020


Incorporating custom response code matcher in your codebase is going to increase the readability of your tests and make it a little bit more maintainable — transition to another http library would be easier, as you would need to change only custom matcher logic instead of changing assertion of all your tests. But the biggest benefit lies in vastly improved debugging experience and thus reducing the time spent exploring failed tests and gathering informations. In this article I am going to show you how you can achieve this in python using PyHamcrest library.

If you ever had written any API automated test you certainly used an assertion for status code to ensure given endpoint behaves correctly. Using build-in python assert statement the very simple test could look like this:

response = request.get('https://base_url/endpoint')
assert response.status_code == 200

And at some point the assertion failed and it would produce following assertion error message:

assert 500 == 200
where 500 = <Response [500]>.status_code

Which is ok, but unfortunately it won't provide you any other information e.g about error returned in response body by the server. We could improve the assert by adding response body as fail message:

response = request.get('https://base_url/endpoint')
assert response.status_code == 200, response.text

This would produce error message like this:

<Any API response body>
assert 500 == 200
where 500 = <Response [500]>.status_code

Alright, that would help a lot for debugging when any test fails, but it is not as clean solution as it could be.To make the code more cleaner we are going to implement custom response status code matcher using PyHamcrest library. This specific custom matcher expects that your test code uses requests library for making actual HTTP request, but you can easily adjust it for arbitrary http library.

# response_matcher.pyfrom hamcrest.core.base_matcher import BaseMatcherfrom 
requests import Response

class ReturnedStatusCode(BaseMatcher):
def __init__(self, status_code: int):
self._status_code = status_code
def _matches(self, response: Response):
if not response.status_code:
return False
return response.status_code == self._status_code
def describe_to(self, description):
description.append_text("status code ")
def describe_mismatch(self, item, mismatch_description):
mismatch_description.append_text("status code ")
mismatch_description.append_text(" received with body: \n")
def has_returned_status_code(status_code: int):
return ReturnedStatusCode(status_code)

Now we just need to import it and its ready for use:

from hamcrest import assert_that
from response_matcher import has_returned_status_code
response = request.get('https://base_url/endpoint')
assert_that(response, has_returned_status_code(200))

And in case of test failure it would now produce following assertion error:

Expected: status code <200>
but: status code <500> received with body:
<API response will be printed here>

In my eyes assert_that(response, has_returned_status_code(200)) is more elegant solution than assert response.status_code == 200 and providing very useful information for quick change assessment detected by API test.

Happy API testing.

