Create a Recipe App with Nowa

3 min readNov 2, 2023


Do you have a passion for cooking and want to share your favorite recipes with others? Building a recipe app may seem complex, but with the power of no-code tools like Nowa, and connecting to Supabase, it’s remarkably simple! In this article, we’ll guide you through creating your own recipe app without the need for any coding. Let’s dive in!

Set Up Your Supabase Project

To begin, sign up for a Supabase account and create a new project. Next, create a table with recipe fields like Title, Image, Ingredients, and Process. Remember to disable Row-Level Security (RLS) and enable Realtime for your table. Start populating your table with recipe data.

Create Your App Screens

Open Nowa and create a new project. Design four key screens: Home Screen, Recipe Details, Add Recipe, and App Info. Get creative by personalizing your screens with elements, appbars, and your preferred color scheme.

Design the Recipe Card

Use container and text widgets to craft a recipe card for the Home screen. Group all the elements of the card them into a component. Define variables for the properties, such as the recipe title.

Design the Home Screen

Duplicate the recipe card component and organize them in a column for the Home screen. With the layout features make your cards adapt to varying screen sizes. Incorporate a floating button to add navigation to the Add Recipe screen.

Design the Recipe Details Screen

Create a dedicated screen for displaying individual recipes. Add a container and text widgets to showcase the title, process, and ingredients of the chosen recipe. Guarantee responsiveness using layout features and add “Scroll View” wrapper.

Design the Add Recipe Screen

In the third screen featuring text fields for users to submit new recipes. Customize the text fields to align with your preferences. Include a submission button for users to add recipes.

Display Data

Now click on the data button and select Supabase. Connect your app to the Supabase table by providing the URL and API Key. Utilize a Data Builder Wrapper on the column in the first screen to fetch data from Supabase. Link this data to your recipe cards and variables from the details panel.

Use Circuit to create navigation between the Home Screen and the second screen and connect the corresponding variables to the data.

Add New Recipes

Activate Realtime for your recipe data on the Home screen. Configure the “Add Recipe” button to insert new records into Supabase. Add an “Insert record” node and connect the variables of the text field to it. Create a navigation block that allows users to return to the Home screen after submitting their recipes.

Congratulations! See how fast and easy it is to create an app with Nowa? Your recipe app is now fully functional. You can test it in Play Mode or export it for ALL platforms!




Nowa is a platform to create mobile and web apps without writing code and within a fraction of the time, using a user-friendly and easy to use visual tools.