Basic Strategies of NowCoin Game

6 min readMay 7, 2018


Thank you for our wonderful community for all the valued feedback and questions regarding the NowCoin ecosystem and its first pillar, the NowCoin Market Game. We need to address a very important issue, which has been popping up quite often in discussions: what kind of basic strategies will the players follow to maximize their positions?

The below is a summary, which is based on our yet limited knowledge on social and market behaviour of the NowCoin market community. We indicate here some core strategies, but we are positive that the members themselves will invent many more ways to play the game. Let’s see!

1./ The Hodler

Hodling is comfortable. You buy your stake of the ecosystem, because you have trust in the Vision. You collect biweekly Basic Rewards, because you have a balance of more than 100 NowCoins. Probably in the beginning you are even within the top 1000 accounts based on your balance, so you also get monthly Premium rewards.

This is a strategy, no matter how flat it is. Probably it would not take you even close to the Final Airdrop, but if you buy in early on a low genesis price, or you buy in heavily and always raise your stake, you might be successful. Not an optimal strategy, but hey, who said optimal is the only way to go.

2./ The Trader

We all know the traders. They are the people looking for price events, trying to analyze and beat the market. They are the creators and upholders of real liquidity, they are the base asset of all exchange markets globally. OK, more and more of them are robots nowadays, but still you find many bright strategic thinkers among them. We need the robots (see the DEXbot project) and also the bright fellas.

How can a trader gain profits in the NowCoin Market Game? He should buy in for a low price, and sell for a higher price. Easy right? OK, let’s take this article seriously.

First of all, as any trader can notice, the Exchange Pool was preloaded to the DEX in a way, that the genesis supply should manage an initial surge of the price. This article presents our reasons for calculating the genesis supply pricing. Outcome is that if you buy in early, you have the chance to reach rapid price growth from 1,- BTS to around 12,- BTS.

For the traders, hunting around Exchange Pool price level jumps will be amazingly interesting — and profitable. Just take a look at the DEX order book. As soon as the Exchange Pool sells out the supply of 1,- BTS, orders go up to 2,- BTS. Meaning that if a trader is cool enough to grab the last pieces of coins at 1,-, he can immediately list his stash for a higher price, and realize trading profits.

There will be reward periods, which might also become rather interesting from a trader’s perspective. We are positive that some people will carefully sell their rewards upon receipt, and securely cash-out their related profits. Conservative, but security oriented approach. And also beneficial for traders, since look, that is a possibility to trade there: you may reasonably receive some discount directly after a wave of reward payout, since where seller pressure grows, prices may go south.

3./ The Arbitrageur

Highly skilled beast among traders. Thinking in multiple dimensions, he is not just watching prices going up and down on one market, but is constantly playing between different market pairs.

Whenever he spots a 5% price difference between let’s say the NowCoin/BTS and NowCoin/ETH market, he jumps right on it. Cashes on the market differences, and in the meantime plays a very important role in stabilizing prices on multiple market pair asset matrixes.

Being valued member of all markets, they are welcome to join the NowCoin community as well.

4./ The Player

Very important type of member in the NowCoin community. He is following the Game channels and the main website, because he is hunting down extra rewards announced from the Special Game Pool. We discussed basic types of games in this article.

The special games will play a very very important role in building the NowCoin ecosystem. People, who have NowCoins and who are focusing on our main channels, will be the core audience for merchant promotions joining the ecosystem. Based on their focused attention, we will be able to fill the ecosystem with merchants.

Players will be highly rewarded for their attention, and willingness to play. By following orders of raising (or lowering) their account balances, they will be able to cash in extra rewards and bounties. Raising account balances through rewards and bounties is much more effective then the above described hodler strategy.

5./ The Bounty Hunter

Sneaky but smart. Buys in directly before a reward calculation time, and cashes out immediately. Raids and leaves. Comes and goes. Joins the top 1000 for a Premium Reward, and leaves the market with his extra stash immediately. Follows the special game announcements, raids the bounty, then cashes out.

Great partner in making our ecosystem successful. His constant in-and-out moves require deep knowledge of the Game, the constant attention to special game announcements. We have his attention, so we can get to him the merchant promotions. He has capital available, and might also jump on a special NowCoin merchant promotion, assisting the birth of our ecosystem.

6./ The Playing Merchant

Merchants can also play. Oh, yes. And they might also have an interest to play! Just think about it: merchants provide goods or services for NowCoins. Meaning that they basically receive their profit in NowCoins, as a reward for their efforts.

Usual merchants will cash out their NowCoins for BTS or USD for sure. But there will be the ones, who hold on to their received NowCoins, because they want to cash in some more Basic or Premium Rewards, or they want to have a shot on the Final Airdrop.

Just imagine, if you are an online listing site, collecting your fees in NowCoins with wide turnover enough to join the top 1000: then you have a chance of multiplication of your commercial profits by shooting at the Final Airdrop.

7./ The Clan Artist

Hunts in packs, like werewolves do. Knows, that playing alone might be interesting, but playing in groups is more powerful. Very effective player, who will definitely give himself and to his followers a higher chance of success in the Game.

For a Clan, it is easier to build higher reserves, and always collect the Premium Rewards. Whenever a special game would require going downwards on the account balance toplist, Clans can easier distribute wealth among their accounts, to lower their balances without selling on market.

People together in a Clan have better access to information, better flow of information, and better polished strategies.

Clan Artists are people, who collect and manage groups of holders. They are a core pillar of the social movement we intend to build around NowCoin. They will be valued members of the network, and they will be rewarded with special bounties. We intend to motivate such social influencers with special rewards, for example for maintaining active Telegram groups etc.

8./ The Michelangelo

The renaissance man, universally mixing more or even all of the above strategies. Rules the foodchain of the NowCoin ecosystem, and has a definite position among the top 1000 for the Final Airdrop.

Do not forget to read also our post about the types of games we wish to announce. Click here for more.

Anything not clear?

Follow and contact us on our Twitter and Telegram channels. We will be there for your assistance.

