BOUNTY: The Primes Game

3 min readJan 17, 2019


We present you the next game for the Nowcoin Community: the Primes Game. We have not played such a game for quite some time now, so we thought it is time to return to a logical and mathematical game. Let’s see how to play it!

Every account maintaining a balance more than 1 Nowcoin will be eligible to play this game, BUT only those accounts will be rewarded whose rank — upon the snapshot — is a prime number.

Prime numbers are whole numbers greater than 1, which only have 2 factors: 1 and themselves.

The first 225 prime numbers

In this table, you can see the first 225 prime numbers — the winning positions. If you occupy any of these ranks, you are a winner! You can also find a list of prime numbers on this site.


Okay, so you have to occupy a prime number rank and you win. But how much? Well, the lower the prime number, the higher the reward for occupying it.

Reward table

You can check your current position on the Nowcoin Explorer site.

You can see an example of reward calculation and explanation here

What can you do to make sure you win?

Here are some basic strategies that you can utilize to secure your win. You can play as an individual or try to team up with other Nowcoin holders to form a Clan and claim as much of the bounty for yourselves, as possible.

1. The Lonely Wolf: You may simply follow the account balances on or on any block explorer, and continuously align your balance according to the actual status.

2. The Politician: You may forge alliance with fellow participants, trying to arrange only one wallet to a certain target balance, and then agree on splitting the bounty. Let’s see how many talented politicians we have around, the Rise of the Clans may begin.

3. The Sniper: You can be a sniper, shooting 1 Nowcoin to balances that threaten your winning position.

4. The Sniper Troll: You can make snipers shooting on your account by taking up balances they are targeting, and thus you can collect the NowCoin shots from snipers :)

5. Rambo: You may hide in the shadows, evaluating balances, shooting out a place for yourself and then defending it until the Snapshot.

Feel free to try any of the above tactics, or just come up with your own one!

Snapshot Time: 00:00 UTC on 2019/01/21

Should you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us on any of our channels:

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