Genesis Pricing of NowCoin

2 min readMay 5, 2018


It has been three amazing days since the NowCoin Community channel on Telegram started filling up due to our Airdrop initiative. We are buliding an amazing community, and already we received many useful feedback concerning our Vision.

We wish to explain in this post the genesis pricing of NowCoin. The Exchange Pool account of our coin was completely preloaded to the Exchange for sale. It is locked, and will not be altered. You can reach the market here.

The sell orders are built in a way that pricing starts at 1 BTS, but most of the NowCoin genesis supply will be put into circulation for a price between 13 and 15 BTS. In words, a total of 44 million NowCoins are listed for the price range of 13–15 BTS, and only 6 million below this price range.

We were thinking a lot on this Sell Order structure. Our first intention was to setup a balanced initial supply pricing. It is the core interest of the NowCoin ecosystem that the genesis supply is sold in a balanced way. Nobody shall gain advantage of lowly priced coins, since whales entered at a low price can destroy our vision of an organic price balance.

Accordingly, we focused on having most of the genesis supply between the range of 13–15 BTS. However in the beginning you need to sacrifice something on the altar of acceptance. This is why we decided to honor early adopters in a way that the Exchange Pool will sell 6 million NowCoins for the price range of 1–13 BTS. This is a minority stake of the Exchange Pool supply, and it may help early adopters to join. We believe however that early profit realization will happen, meaning that coins bought for 1 BTS will be sold around 4 BTS, and so on, hence the circulating coin average price can organically be set to the level of 13–15 BTS.

It is very important to state here, that our whole concept is based on trading and organic exchange price. We will never guarantee to you any upside or downside in the price, and we will never give to you any price estimations. The trading community will always be in total control of their NowCoins, and the organic demand and supply will govern the price. This is why the Founders Pool will be locked down for the total time of the Game, this is to secure that no vested whales could play around with the prices.

Feel free to join our Telegram community, and post your comments or questions.

You may find further information about us on our landing page and on our game information portal.

