Timeline and Roadmap for the NowCoin Project

4 min readMay 6, 2018


Many of our Community members have asked us during the previous days to specify a rough timeline of how we intend to build the ecosystem.

We started a very interesting project and social experiment, whereby we intend to artificially create a working and liquid cryptocurrency ecosystem. As discussed in our vision documents, we will create holders of NowCoin and channel their attention to the ecosystem through the NowCoin Market Game. When we have enough holders with visible capitalization and focused attention, we will start luring merchants to our ecosystem.

The timeline for the above project will heavily depend on the power of the network itself, since in our social experiment we only intend to set the wheels in motion and to create some initial noise, but after that we wish to heavily rely on our community. We believe that it will be a solid interest of each community members to spread the word, and motivate other people to join the NowCoin ecosystem, since the more of us are around and the more capitalization we have, the more successful the ecosystem could get. And yes, responding to many inquiries: obviously with the success of the ecosystem a sustainable pricing of NowCoin will follow.

Naturally, we will maintain strong network and marketing communication all along and also after the NowCoin Game. We wish to strongly motivate the expansion of the ecosystem from the Special Reward Pool through games, competitions, marketing bounties and so.

The current idea is built around three phases.

1./ Introduction

Happening right now, we are introducing ourselves within the safe and friendly boundaries of the BitShares ecosystem. We have received strong support from our home platform, the BitShares Blockchain from the very beginning of our project. We are happy to see approval from reputed members of the BitShares Community, and we are thrilled to see lifetime members — who are the building stones of the BitShares ecosystem — joining our network in good numbers. Having the possibility to be presented in our home environment gives us the possibility of a relaxed beta period. We can test our internal systems and databases, and we receive many great suggestions from the BitShares community. Thank you guys for giving us such a warm welcome!

2./ Global Entry

We aim to expand over the boundaries of the BitShares community around July-August 2018. When we feel ready for introducing our project to the whole crypto world and beyond, we will launch a global marketing campaign. We separated a significant amount of marketing budget to proceed with an online campaign, which will include featured articles on main cryptocurrency portals, social media campaigns etc. This is the momentum where we wish to reach a good number of holders, who control a reasonable amount of capitalization. What would this “good number” be exactly? Well, nobody ever wrote a book about this, together we will have to explore and learn all this stuff. But definitely, the NowCoin ecosystem will need several thousand active and focused users, and capitalization should be in the height of millions of dollars. That is when the NowCoin ecosystem could become sexy for merchants providing goods and services.

3./ Creation of the Merchant Leg

When we get to having accomplished step 2 above, we will fire up the campaign for luring merchants to the NowCoin ecosystem. We hope to get there as soon as possible, but definitely before December 2018. Our assets will be the holder network and their focused attention to our Game portals. These will be utilized to raise merchant attention. As a general economical rule we can declare, that merchants have a core interest of being present in a marketplace where they can find potential buyers. We will motivate merchants to enter through free promotion opportunities and also possibly through special Games and competitions. We are already pursuing discussions with online marketplaces, and have positive feedback on the possible utilization of NowCoin — conditional to successful delivery of our vision milestones. Most importantly and again, we will rely heavily on the NowCoin Community itself. It will be the core interest of NowCoin holders to assist in creating our ecosystem, and the merchant leg of that. Decentralization is truly powerful, and all NowCoin Community members will understand that the true organic value of their NowCoins will be strongly dependent on the market presence of our ecosystem.

Social, social, social!

We hope that the above can give some guidance for you thinking about the validity of our Vision. We can not stress enough, that we wish to build an organic and decentralized social movement around the NowCoin Ecosystem. It is much more effective and redundant to utilize a network for channeled expansion than to maintain strong central guidance. We are continuously counting on our Community to give us feedbacks, advices, this is how we wish to create value together.

Anything not clear?

Follow and contact us on our Twitter and Telegram channels. We will be there for your assistance.

