Whale Olympics: “American Football Training” — Rules

3 min readNov 1, 2018


After an adventurous treasure hunt, let’s get back to sports… We are going to do some American Football Training! Players will have to cooperate to get the first ball and then they will have to pass it around to each other in a specific order and score as many touchdowns as possible!

How to play

At the beginning of the game, all participants will be given one piece of a picture. This bit will be unique to each player. Participants will have to collect all the parts and retrieve the original image - which also has a password hidden on it.

You can only find out the password if you collect all essential pieces, so get in touch with the other participants, cooperation will be important here!

Once you got all the parts and sorted it to form an image, you will be able to login to the nowcoin-touchdown account. This account contains the “ball”. In this game, the ball is a transaction of 1 Nowcoin which contains the “schedule” for today’s training. A player has to unlock the wallet, share the schedule with the other players and make the first move.

The schedule will be in the memo field of the last incoming transaction of the nowcoin-touchdown account and it will contain an ordered list of this game’s participants. The ball (1 Nowcoin) has to be passed around in the order according to the schedule. The player unlocking the wallet will have to pass it to the first member of the list to get the game started. When the last member of the list receives it, he or she has to score a touchdown and send 1 Nowcoin to the original nowcoin-touchdown account. This is the first round of the training!

For example, Players retrieve the password for nowcoin-touchdown wallet and Player 4 enters the account to find out the schedule which is:
1. Player 1

2. Player 2

3. Player 3

4. Player 4

Then Player 4 sends the “ball” to Player 1 who has to transfer it to Player 2 and so on… When the last player on the list (Player 4 in this case) gets the ball, he makes a touchdown by sending 1 Nowcoin to the nowcoin-touchdown account. Players who took part in the round share 100 Nowcoin!

And the next round of practicing continues…

The rewards

Each completed round awards 100 Nowcoin to the players. Any subsequent round means 100 more Nowcoin — until 10 rounds are completed and the prize pool of 1000 Nowcoin is depleted.

Rounds have to be completed by no later than Sunday, 4th November 8 PM UTC.

Remember, we have a dedicated Discord room opened for the Whale Olympics… You can easily reach out to other participants there!

Good luck!

Should you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us on any of our channels:

Web: https://nowcoingame.com
Game: https://live.nowcoingame.com
Telegram Group: https://t.me/NowCoinCommunity
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/nowcoingame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NowcoinGame
Discord: https://discord.gg/y6rWcvh
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thenowcoin

