How Can You Get College Students to Pay Attention to Your Brand?

Brian Wallace
2 min readDec 16, 2014

There are a lot of college students in the United States- approximately 21.6 million. That’s a huge group of consumers that are really not being marketed to effectively. There is a belief that they don’t have that much money anyway, so why bother. However, this is an incorrect way of thinking for two reasons. First, they have more money than you think- as a whole they have approximately $163 billion in discretionary spending each year. Second, millennials are very brand loyal. Considering they will eventually graduate and become full-blown consumers, building that brand loyalty now is well worth your time.

So what are all those college students spending their discretionary funds on anyway? That figure does include necessities like food, clothing, and transportation, but even those things can be marketed to build brand loyalty. They also spend a significant amount of money on electronics and cell phones, which all seem to be necessities in this day and age. There’s also a pretty significant amount of money spent on cosmetics, personal care products, and entertainment. College students may not have a lot of money to spend, but they’re not exactly broke.

Building brand loyalty now can really pay off in the future. Learn more about brand loyal college students from this infographic.



Brian Wallace

Founder of NowSourcing. Contributor to Hackernoon, Google Small Business Advisor, Podcaster, infographics expert.