Statement from npm

npm, Inc.
2 min readApr 10, 2019


In bringing on a new leader to the role of Chief Executive Officer at npm, Inc., we were all aware of the rapid changes we would have to make in order to set the company up for long term success. Our mission is to sustainably support the npm registry and our open source tools so that they live on forever. That depends on our ability to embrace a changing environment.

Since 2014, npm has relied on venture capital to keep the registry running. Our mandate now is to transform this reliance on venture capital into self-reliance.

To make self-reliance possible, we have made many investments over the past several months. We have invested in process improvement, technology tools and most importantly, invested in people. We have completely transformed how npm manages engineering and nearly doubled the overall team to 53 since November.

Moving from reliance on venture capital to revenue does not change the values of the company, nor does it change our mission. However, it does introduce new levels of commitment, delivery, and accountability. Implementing all of this has required change, and as with any change, it has been uncomfortable at times.

Recently, we let go of 5 people in a company restructuring. The way that we undertook the process, unfortunately, made the terminations more painful than they needed to be, which we deeply regret, and we are sorry. As part of our mission, it’s important that we treat our employees and our community well. We will continue to refine and review our processes internally, utilizing the feedback we receive to be the best company and community we can be.

npm remains committed to becoming sustainable and self-reliant. Change will be constant as we grow. We will work hard to uphold our values every day. Most importantly, we will continue to innovate to consistently deliver value to our customers and users, and to remove friction from JavaScript development and adoption.

Bryan Bogensberger, CEO
Isaac Z. Schlueter, Chief Product Officer
Laurie Voss, Chief Data Officer



npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.