Hard-drive is really hard

Life after when you loose all your data stored in hard-drive

Rahul Ranjan
4 min readFeb 9, 2014

While returning back from MIT Media Lab Workshop @Mumbai, in the way i had planned out whole week job ahead i.e. all the code development tasks and also applications for several internships opportunity (needed a web portfolio, letters of recommendation and statement of purpose). Apart from it I had taken a freelancing job to build a data-visualization App in python (not even started with true spirit) in next coming week. The stack of workload not end here i have bunked whole week classes of the college for the workshop and also not even started my semester projects.

But somehow i have planned all these and made a good time-line for each to execute them in next two week, so that i could balance everything in life. I reached my hostel on 3rd Feb’14 evening and kept my luggage and everything in random order and started my laptop as fast as i could. Now i was damn impatient for completing the stacked up tasks. Then phone rang-up, it was of my father and our conversation ended in half hour. Then i returned back to my room and saw that laptop start-up is strucked at “Windows logo”. I thought it would be some minor problem and happily but with nervousness, i again restarted the system but got the same response.

Now you can think of the state through which i was going through ☹. It is rightly said “Life is not what you expect it is more than that” and i was having feel of each word. Then I used the recovery disc to restore the system to last point but that also didn’t worked. Finally it started giving “blue screen memory dump error”. I was freaked out initially but some how i was able to start Fedora OS which i had kept it on the boot. The best part for keeping Linux distro’s is that it can show your windows files. Without wasting anytime i got a external drive and started copying things into it. I was able to copy all the files and now i was feeling relaxed that my valuable asset is now safe with me.

At this stage i had learned few things which i want to share with you

  1. Use cloud services for your important documents (e.g. Dropbox)
  2. Always have back-up for your system (many of you might be doing it)
  3. If windows get corrupt out, use live-USB Linux to get your data

So these are the things which I need to keep in mind in future and may be some of you also. Also my touch-pad, DVD writer, keyboard and Fan was stopped working. Now I had called HP support center for repair. They sent their technician and at first instance he was unable to figure out where the problem is. I thought he would rescue me from my misery but he told me that mother-board has crashed so he need two more days to get the order from HP. I was keeping my anger in control and went lab for the work. There also I found my desktop keyboard is not working and followed the college procedure to get replaced. It really takes a good effort to do that.

Problem didn’t ends here and with new keyboard Ubuntu started showing showing unusual behavior. When the system get’s started automatically calculator application windows started popping up and the numbers of windows opened up were uncountable. At this stage i have already lost my “4" day. So i borrowed a computer from a friend installed some basic things which i needed and started working on it. Mean while in these days i was doing things on paper. Though i have lost my mind but i never loose control over it. This rhythm helps me to move on and i continued to work and fight with the environment.

Finally “keep mind cool and chill out” that what i want to say to you all and you can do this with number of ways as it is very subjective but i will not loose opportunity to tell my secret way to achieve that. First thing is please leave the thing which is annoying you for a movement, i know its difficult but hey just for your sake leave it. Then put on you earphone start the best rocking music you like even you can dance if you like. This didn’t worked ☹ take out you bike or car go to the place you like most in your locality and observe people or look into sky and say to yourself “You are destined to reach there and you cannot fickle with these little problems so long, so rise up and move on”.

OK ☺ now i have installed all the things into my new replaced hard-drive and everything is working fine. Even I have completed several tasks as i have already worked on those on paper. I will be writing more about my experiences at MIT Media Lab workshop. Stay Tuned ☺

