How You Can Help Defund Milo (#DefundHate)

Nicholas Reville
2 min readFeb 20, 2017


Milo Yiannopoulos has been on a crusade of racism and sexism for years, but finally seems to be crashing after his recently discovered remarks supporting boys as young as 13 having sex with older men.

Even companies that have supported Milo up to this point are taking their dollars elsewhere. His conservative speaking appearances are being canceled, his book deal with Simon and Schuster just got canceled, and he seems to finally have crossed a line, even for conservatives that have no problem with his racism and Islamophobia.

But Milo still has two important funding sources that support him, and enable him to travel the country and broadcast his messages of hate:

1. Shopify

Milo sells merchandise on a Shopify store, and it may be his largest source of income other than the now canceled book deal and speaking fees. Shopify has insisted on keeping Milo’s store on their platform, despite his hate.

Even the front page of the Shopify store says ‘MUSLIMS SUCK’:

Yes, this is a real screenshot of the front page of Milo’s Shopify store.

Even though Shopify’s terms of service allow them to terminate any store for objectionable content, the CEO has insisted that they will not adopt a hate speech policy. The #DeleteShopify movement has exploded over the past two weeks, and now employees are leaving the company after tone-deaf responses from management have infuriated customers and staff alike.


  1. Tweet at Shopify and ask them to adopt a hate speech policy, as so many companies already have.
  2. Sign this Petition asking Shopify to Stop Funding Hate
  3. Join the March 2 Protest Against Breitbart and Milo at Shopify HQ. If you don’t live in Canada, please click through and invite ALL of your Canadian friends to the event and ask them to invite their friends who live near Shopify.
  4. Run a Shopify store or know someone who does? Contact Shopify and tell them how you feel. Customer feedback is the most powerful.

2. Breitbart

Milo rose to fame as an editor at and helped Breitbart grow to the size it is today. His columns on the site gained him notoriety and Breitbart has stood behind him every step of the way.

Breitbart earns revenue with advertising and merchandise, but the incredible Sleeping Giants campaign has notified thousands of advertisers that their ads were inadvertently appearing on the racist site, and Breitbart has become the most blacklisted website of all time, as advertisers have fled.


  1. Follow Sleeping Giants on Twitter: take screenshots of ads on Breitbart, tweet them at advertisers, and help others by retweeting.
  2. Are you outside the US? There may be a Sleeping Giants organization for your country. Here’s the list.

And finally, you can help by sharing this article and getting more friends involved in defunding hate and voting with our dollars.

