Here’s why friendly names are needed for Bluetooth devices on iOS

Neil Turner
2 min readOct 21, 2015

How many Bluetooth devices have you paired with your iPhone or iPad? Go on, have a look.

Okay, now go through each device and tell me what each one is. Because, if your list is anything like mine, you’ll struggle to identify each device from its name.

For reference, here are all of the nine devices that are paired to my iPhone:

In that list, there are:

  • Three Bluetooth speakers
  • One set of Bluetooth headphones
  • A Bluetooth camera remote
  • My iPad
  • A Bluetooth keyboard
  • My Fitbit
  • My car radio

The iPad is obvious, as is my car stereo and the keyboard. My Fitbit appears as ‘Charge’ as it’s a Fitbit Charge, and the camera remote is called ‘AB SHUTTER 3' – close. For the remaining devices, without knowing the model numbers, or a process of trial-and-error, deducing whichis which presents a challenge.

My iPad lets me change the name that appears to other devices, as do most phones or computers. But a cheap off-brand Bluetooth speaker doesn’t, especially as there’s no visual interface. Sure, you could probably re-program the device if you took it apart and hacked the…



Neil Turner

Mac user, Yorkshireman, social media addict, geek, father, married to a pharmacist. Takes photos. he/him