Random Questions #5

2 min readJun 17, 2024

Some things about me, myself, and I

Photo by Jac Alexandru on Unsplash

(Freely stolen from this article, the questions at least. The answers are mine. Thank you Lynn L. Alexander)

Do you eat fried dough with tomato sauce or confectioners’ sugar?

I guess sugar, since the only fried dough I eat are doughnuts. But damn, do I love me some doughnuts. My favorite is apple fritters.

Have you ever broken a bone? Which ones?

My left hand when I was on swim team, doing the backstroke. Only one so far, other than my toes multiple times.

Do you prefer real candles or LED candles?

Real, as long as they are not floral-scented. Those give me migraines. But I do have some LED ones in my bedroom that I never use.

Have you ever ridden in an ambulance without being the patient?

Negatory, good buddy. Only as a patient.

Do you need an alarm clock to wake you in the morning, or do you wake up on your own at the same time every day?

I usually wake up 15–30 minutes before my 6am alarm, but still leave it on to get my ass out of bed.

Do you use Hellmann’s mayo or Miracle Whip?

Hellmann’s is Best Foods out here in the West. However, any mayo is better than the…




Spend half the time writing fiction and poetry, half my time working to pay bills, and live all the time in my mind's fantasy world.