Power Of Mindset Yields
6 min readFeb 13, 2024


My previous article about CPAGrip and how it works for affiliates showed promising stats.

Stats for my CPAGrip story

In that article, we looked at what CPAGrip is, how it works and why you need such an account.

In response to the support (interest in my CPAGrip stories) from my fans including you who are reading this story,

I am going to show you, a step-by-step process of how to create a CPAGrip account. Not only that, we shall look at how to verify it and add a payment method including the tax form documents that many CPAGrip enthusiasts fail to resolve!
So get ready and… we go!

How to Create a CPAGrip Account

The first step is to head over to’s official website and click on “register” at the top right corner of the home page. This can be accessed both on a mobile, tablet or Personal computer (PC).

You will be required to enter your information especially that with a red star as it’s a MUST to fill those fields as seen in the screenshot below

Screenshot of the information required at account registration

I will discuss those fields I think could be tricky for newbies to pass like,
• Company
• Website
• Skype ID/Name
• Zip/Postal code
• Timezone and probably
• Where did you hear about us?

Now, if you don’t have a company, just fill in your name. Remember, it’s optional.
If you don’t have a website or even a YouTube channel to enter, Use your social media profile link. Again, it’s optional
To get your Skype ID/Name, go to Google and type to register a free account and in a few minutes, you will get your Skype ID.

I also have a video to take you through the simple process of getting your Skype ID, so be sure to watch it to ease your registration process

Nowadays, we’re in the .com era, and some countries don’t have the postal address, but before assuming that you don’t have, the case might be that you don’t know. Try searching for your country’s postal address on Google and if it doesn’t have one; use your country’s calling code. For example +256, +254 …etc. I personally used 256. You may ignore the + sign.

The same applies to your time zone. It can be searched on Google. For example, if my country is Uganda, I can use the search query ‘What is the time zone of Uganda’ and I am sure you will know your time zone from here.
Where you heard about us question is the simplest to answer. If you’re reading this article, the answer is and the rest you can tell!

Then check the boxes (As shown in the screenshot above) to agree to the terms and conditions and click on Register Now.

Verify Your Email Address,

Now that you have been accepted into CPAGrip, You will receive a notification to verify your email address via the account settings page. It’s a matter of checking your email via inbox and clicking on ‘verify’ and that’s it!

How to Fill the Tax Form Documents

The account is not complete yet, as you have to fill in the tax documents. They are in two forms. That is,
• International Publishers: File W-8 (international)
• USA Publishers: File W-9 (USA)

Screenshot for CPAGrip tax form documents

Remember, you’re a publisher. If you come from other parts of the world other than the USA, choose the first file which is the international publisher option.

Here’s the simple process to go about it,

  • Click on the Account settings on the left sidebar of the dashboard
    • Choose/click on W-8 (international) for non-USA publishers (and for USA on W-9 form)
    • From here. Go ahead and fill in the tax information to the best of your knowledge. For those of W-8, if you don’t use or don’t have the Tax Identification Number (TIN), select N/A (which means Not Applicable) and that’s what I did and my account was approved.
Screenshot showing CPAGrip tax information required

Just fill in the information you used while registering on your first page and once you’re done, click on “save”

How To Setup Your CPAGrip payment method

I guess You don’t want your labour to end in vain but rather to, not only get rewarded for it but also be able to withdraw your earnings!

Sounds right!

To resolve that, go to your payment centre to enter your preferred payment method. accepts 3 payment methods and that is,
• Payoneer
• ACH (USA Bank)
• Paypal

CPAGrip’s payment schedule is Net30 which means you’re paid every 30 days.

Now if you don’t have either a Payoneer account or Paypal, I encourage you to create one!
Go to Google and type for a Payoneer account or for a Paypal account. Additionally, you can go to YouTube and watch videos on how to create such free accounts.

I was able to create such accounts with the help of YouTube free how-to’s tutorials and I believe you can make it! But keep in mind you have to choose one of the two if you are a non-USA citizen.

Some sayings go around that
“Paypal does not work in my country”

Especially in some African countries, but trust me I am a victim of that saying and I was able to resolve that with YouTube tutorials.
What I have learnt is that, if a payment method does not work in your country, there is a possibility that it partners with another international payment method that could work in your country and that’s the game plan behind the story.

See, for example, during the time of creating my Paypal account, most of the banks in my country told me that they don’t accept Paypal payment method, but I realized there’s an Airtel MasterCard that I could connect to my Paypal account and things worked! There are very many virtual master cards, and visa cards that you can connect to Paypal. You can also take advantage of the Chippercash app that offers a free visa card that you can use to connect your PayPal and receive your earnings.

With Payoneer, it was straightforward to get foreign currency accounts in both USD, EUR and GBP while at the comfort of my home area and I could connect my bank account easily yet I haven’t had issues with my Payoneer account!

So there you go- the choice is yours according to your convenience and preference. Personally, I chose PayPal because it’s convenient to the extent of receiving funds on my mobile wallet via an Airtel master card or Chipper Cash Visa card.

With Paypal, remember to select an email address associated with your Paypal account and after choosing your preferred payment method, click “save”

Congratulations! You’re done with everything to do with setting up your CPAGrip account, tax information and payment method. Above all, CPAGrip has an account manager to help you in your journey and to have the best feel of the platform

Here’s the quote of the day,

“If you continue thinking without Acting, You will stop at nothing! But if you continue thinking and Acting, You will stop at something. And that’s creativity!”
Power of Mindset Yields

Ready to take action? Register your CPAGrip account here to get started!

Watch full video for this article



Power Of Mindset Yields

A forex trader, content creator and an affiliate marketer. Get free educational courses here to succeed onnline!