GPT-4 Data Pipelines: Transform JSON to SQL Schema Instantly

4 min readMar 15, 2023

TL;DR — Turn complex JSON blobs into SQL schema or SQL schema updates effortlessly with GPT-4.

Picture this: you’re working on a project or at your job, tasked with running an hourly job using Airflow or a simple cronjob to move data from a JSON API into SQL tables. You know the drill — designing the schema to match the source JSON can be a tedious, monotonous process.

With GPT-4, you can simply paste JSON output from any API into the model and ask it to generate a SQL schema tailored to your destination database. Say goodbye to manual schema design and hello to a new era of efficiency.

To illustrate just how powerful GPT-4 can be, let’s take a look at an example using Blockstream’s public Bitcoin API (

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