Key Technology Trends to Watch Out for in 2025 by Naimish Sinha

Naresh Chauhan
5 min readMar 2, 2023


March 01, 2023

The technological sphere is hyperactive and we keep hearing about “game-changer” technological advancements every now and then. Great technological advancements have been termed as the next big thing and the next generation of technology. If industry experts are to be believed, the global economy is to be influenced (hopefully positively) largely by these trends. As the world is heading for yet another massive industrial revolution, it makes sense to understand and learn about the key technology trends that the year 2025 has in store for all technology freaks out there.

#1. Mobile internet

The year 2025 will have a lot of activity in the formats, sensors, apps, and interfaces arena and the dominating internet connectivity indicates this. The current trends indicate that mobile connectivity will become accessible to 4 billion plus people, as per online statistics.

#2. Automation

Hyper-automation is gaining momentum of late. Companies are under pressure due to increasing demands from their customers, rising employee turnover, and growing complex processes. To keep things up and running, automation is the only option. While many companies are already investing massively in automation for data processing and IT management, hyper-automation will be the next big thing in the industry. Hyper-automation will allow businesses to benefit from machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), and robotic process automation (RPA).

With hyper-automation, companies will be able to respond to customer problems instantly and more intelligently. It will also lead to the formation of “smart workflows” in offices.

#3. Artificial Intelligence

If trends are to be believed, the power of artificial intelligence (AI) is here to grow further by the year 2025. We should expect to see more speech and gesture recognition technologies. This will help boost productivity and reduce or even eliminate a fair amount of knowledge work as well. The impact of artificial intelligence has been huge and all-encompassing. AI has enabled businesses to know their customers better and understand their preferences more intelligently and serve them accordingly. Businesses can grow faster and better only when they know what their customers want and expect from their brands, products, and services.

#4. VR and AR

VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) industry should cross the $80 billion mark soon, as per a leading statistical and data research company. The trend of AR and VR is catching up among people of all ages and marketers have a great opportunity to better explain and showcase their products before the targeted audiences through AR and VR powered presentations. At the same time, thanks to AR, VR, and AI, customers can now experience the product/ service they intend to buy. The list of beneficiaries of this technology is huge and encompasses the hospitality sector, the gaming industry, retailers, wholesalers, and more.

#5. Cloud

Cloud has changed the way businesses stored valuable data and fetched it on a daily basis for critical decision making. It has also helped customers gain more knowledge about their preferred brands, businesses, products, and services as countless businesses are already leveraging the cloud environments to keep their customers informed and updated about what they have to offer them. “There is no denying in that cloud technology is one of the biggest blessings of technological advancements of late and its impact is definitely far-reaching,” says Naimish Sinha — the Technology expert, IT expert, Author, and CTO at EaseMyTrip.

Open standards and interoperability are going to be critical as the cloud environment expands further. However, companies need to focus on ensuring that the cloud environment they set for the growth and benefit of their employees and businesses doesn’t end up creating issues with the security strategies and internal compliances of their teams.

Other than the 5 technologies covered above, advanced robotics, 3D printing, biometric technology, genomics, biometric technology, and IoT (Internet of Things) will also be more noticeable in the year 2025.

- There would be more advances in machine vision, hydraulics, motors, AI, and materials and this change will directly influence the way things are delivered. A rise in creating, operating, and maintaining advanced robots is also anticipated.

- Also, as more companies plan to drop traditional passwords, we may see a rapid rise in new automation services for hand, eye, signature, face, and voice recognition.

- Blockchain is already there and there has to be more blockchain in the year 2025 and beyond. With blockchain, businesses can better streamline, and securely transact, and contracting should drive the commercial use of blockchain.

- Genomics engineering, covering DNA sequencing and advanced analytics will help in improving agricultural production while ensuring that our dependence on fossil fuels reduces and human life expectancy increases.

- 3D printing may play a vital role in reducing the supply chain cost and help take mass customization to a newer and higher level altogether.

Technologies, such as quantum computing, are emerging and thanks to the ongoing advancements in the technology sphere, we are moving towards a more connected, faster, efficient, and capable world. To learn more about the prevailing and upcoming technology trends and how they will affect your business, keep reading my posts.

