And I WOOP — Day 27

Nichole Meade
3 min readJun 21, 2020

Tactical Peace

Well-being is realized by small steps, but is truly no small thing. — Zeno

This was today’s Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and it is so fitting in so many ways!

Discovering Stoicism was a crucial turning point in my transformative journey. It had me at hello!

Well-being is realized by small steps. No truer words have ever been spoken. You CAN do it all, just not all at the same time. Be strategic. Pick and choose. Be selective. Understand what you can handle right now. Understand what needs to be taken care of while understanding you don’t have the times, energies, or monies for that thing RIGHT NOW. You know it needs to be taken care of but you just aren’t quite ready to tackle that thing. Be tactical in your pursuit for better. Your pursuit for peace.

Tactical Peace.

Today was a very strategic day. Today is Day 27 of 28 of my Rewirement Challenge — this entire WOOPing experience. Today was also D-Day. I told my daughter I would save her room for the last; the end of the challenge. If she takes care of it before this day then she is GTG — good to go. If not, I’m coming in.

I went in today.

First things first…too many clothes. Let’s play a game of “Clean — Keep or Give.” All. The. Clothes. Everything.

A dozen or so loads of laundry. Load by load. Clean. Keep or Give. Load by load. Keep — find a place for it. Give — put it in the trash bag. Load by load. This or…

