Exploring Aviation Part Number 0–0156666–1: An In-Depth Look

NSN Sphere
3 min readJun 6, 2024


Aviation parts are the backbone of aircraft performance and safety, and each component plays a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations. Among the myriad of parts, one that stands out for its critical application is the aviation part number 0–0156666–1. In this blog, we’ll delve into the specifics of this part, its importance, and how it fits into the broader context of aviation technology.

Understanding the Aviation Part Number 0–0156666–1

The aviation part number 0–0156666–1 refers to a specific component within an aircraft, identified through a standardized part numbering system used by manufacturers and maintenance organizations. This system helps in the precise identification and tracking of parts across the aviation industry.

What is the Purpose of This Part?

While the exact purpose of part number 0–0156666–1 can vary depending on the aircraft model and manufacturer, it typically falls under the category of essential mechanical or electronic components. These parts are often critical for the operation of various systems within the aircraft, such as:

  • Engine Components: Parts that ensure the engine runs smoothly and efficiently.
  • Avionics Systems: Crucial for navigation, communication, and control systems.
  • Landing Gear: Important for safe takeoff, landing, and ground maneuvering.
  • Hydraulic Systems: Essential for controlling various mechanical operations like flaps, brakes, and landing gear.

Importance of Proper Identification and Use

Using the correct part number is vital for several reasons:

  1. Safety: Aviation safety is paramount, and using the right parts ensures that all systems function correctly, reducing the risk of malfunctions.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Aviation authorities like the FAA and EASA require precise documentation and tracking of parts to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
  3. Maintenance Efficiency: Proper identification aids in efficient maintenance, helping engineers quickly find and replace parts, thereby reducing aircraft downtime.
  4. Performance Optimization: Using the correct parts ensures that the aircraft operates at optimal performance levels, enhancing fuel efficiency and overall reliability.

The Role of Suppliers and Manufacturers

Manufacturers and suppliers play a crucial role in the aviation parts ecosystem. They ensure that each part, including the 0–0156666–1, meets stringent quality standards and regulatory requirements. Key aspects of aviation manufacturers role include:

  • Quality Assurance: Ensuring each part undergoes rigorous testing and quality checks.
  • Traceability: Maintaining detailed records of the part’s production, including batch numbers, manufacturing dates, and materials used.
  • Certification: Providing necessary certifications that confirm the part meets all regulatory and safety standards.
  • Maintenance and Replacement: For maintenance engineers, knowing when and how to replace part number 0–0156666–1 is critical. Regular inspections and adherence to the aircraft’s maintenance schedule are essential to detect wear and tear or potential issues before they lead to failures.

Best Practices for Maintenance

  1. Follow Manufacturer Guidelines: Always adhere to the maintenance guidelines provided by the manufacturer.
  2. Use Certified Parts: Ensure all replacement parts are certified and sourced from reputable suppliers.
  3. Document Everything: Keep detailed records of all maintenance activities, including parts replaced, dates, and the personnel involved.
  4. Regular Training: Maintenance teams should undergo regular training to stay updated with the latest procedures and technologies.


The aviation part number 0–0156666–1, like many other specialized components, plays a critical role in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and performance of aircraft. Proper identification, use, and maintenance of these parts are crucial for the smooth operation of aviation systems. As technology and regulations continue to evolve, staying informed and adhering to best practices will remain key to success in the aviation industry.

Whether you’re an aviation professional, an enthusiast, or simply curious about the inner workings of aircraft, understanding the importance of each component helps appreciate the complexity and precision that goes into keeping the skies safe.



NSN Sphere

NSN Sphere, your sourcing solution for aviation and aerospace parts, electrical connectors, information technology hardware, and obsolete semiconductor supplies