Quest for Steel Movie Review.

Todd Harrington
2 min readJul 23, 2021


5 stars out of 5!

I saw the images on Instagram and was hooked. At over 2 hours the Quest for Steel movie promised to deliver what fantasy art has been espousing for close to 100 years now. And it does!

I wish this was the future of cinema- talented artists with a craft and not a hefty budget, making the films they long to see. Instead we see clone of a clone movies all made to conform to the overriding corporate narrative. Quest for Steel does not do this. It is clear it is the film it wants to be. It takes the audience seriously and intelligently and stretches the limits of fantasy.

This movie was not submitted to festivals nor was it put out for distribution. Instead it embraced its freedom and allowed the creator to stretch his wings and not be put in a box (Or have those wings clipped!). As a result, it is fresh and engaging and delivers what it so expertly sets out to do.

It is also clear Quest for Steel pays tribute to the fantasy art of the past. These days, movies would dare not show any of the female characters wearing anything that could not be worn by a nun. This movie, however has girls that looked like they stepped out of a Japanese Anime manga, yet the dialogue is rich and the story is engrossing (with an ending you will not see coming).

The story itself is about the journey for the first ever steel sword but there are many fascinating sub stories that read like a collection of Aesop fables or Canterbury Tales. The acting is great and showcases many a polished performance, not just from some of the seasoned older professionals but from many of the newer fresher faced young cast.

I am sure bigger more expensive CGI production houses could deliver greater effects, but Quest for Steel is more than this. It knows that the drama is what the audience has come for and not the aerial shots and explosions (We are over that!)

I think if you enjoyed Games of Thrones, dream about Flash Gordon and want something fun and different, Quest for Steel is your film.

Watch it on Vimeo on Demand

or on the website.

