Eclipse The Shadow
2 min readApr 15, 2023
Photo by Clément Falize on Unsplash

End of the World — an AI story

It had been a long time coming, but no one knew exactly when it would happen. Some thought it would be a sudden and catastrophic event, like a massive asteroid hitting the Earth or a supervolcano erupting. Others believed it would be a slow and gradual process, like climate change or a global pandemic. But in the end, it didn't matter how it happened, because everyone knew that it was inevitable.

The end of the world started quietly. At first, no one noticed anything out of the ordinary. But then strange things began to happen. Animals started behaving strangely, migrating in unusual patterns or dying off in droves. The weather became more extreme, with hurricanes and tornadoes wreaking havoc across the globe. And people started falling ill, with strange and mysterious diseases that no one could explain.

As the weeks turned into months, the world descended into chaos. Governments tried to maintain order, but they were overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the crisis. Panic and fear spread like wildfire, and people started hoarding food, water, and other supplies in anticipation of the worst.

Then came the earthquakes. They started small, but soon they were shaking entire cities to their foundations. Buildings collapsed, roads buckled, and people were trapped in the rubble. And then the tsunamis hit. Giant waves swept across the oceans, washing away entire cities and drowning millions of people.

As the world burned and flooded and shook, people began to realize that there was no escaping the end. The old rules and social structures broke down, replaced by a lawless and brutal new world order. Gangs roamed the streets, looting and pillaging as they pleased. Survival became the only goal, and people were forced to do whatever it took to stay alive.

In the end, it wasn't a single catastrophic event that destroyed the world. It was a combination of factors, a slow and inexorable decay that eventually consumed everything. The air became toxic, the water polluted, and the land barren. The sun blazed down with an intensity that no one had ever seen before, scorching the earth and killing everything that lived.

And then, finally, there was nothing left. The cities were empty, the forests burned to ashes, and the oceans boiled away. The world was a desolate wasteland, a lifeless rock hurtling through space. And as the last of humanity breathed its final breath, there was only one thought that remained:

It was all our fault.