Move The World

Gerald Drueppel
2 min readMar 24, 2023


4 out of 5 mushroom princesses agree.

For a concept as abstract as love several general examples can be readily pointed out. A mother’s love for their child would be the most discernible example. It embodies most of the characteristics of love such as devotion, nurturing, protection, guidance and sacrifice. The child feels love above all else. It is something that he can rely on a safe haven. It is something that would not ever change or ever be influenced by condition. It is the core of acceptance in a world where any acceptance can be difficult to find. This love, a mother’s love, is vital to the propagation of any species.

Love between a man and a woman is also just as vital for obvious reasons. Though the sanctity of marriage is meant to legitimize that love in the eyes of society, in a country such as the U.S., where the divorce rate is 50%, it seems less and less likely that love is the basis for those unions, vows notwithstanding.

Both the dynamics and purpose of love is to bring together. To unite. If you agree with this then you may also agree that hate’s purpose is to divide. Hate diminishes our ability to survive and adapt. Why? Because there is strength in union. If love is the primary cause for that union, if it just more than one of convenience then a foundation is set that includes other positive attributes that naturally accompany it such as honesty trust and reliability. It comprises of the type of community support that quickly pools resources in order toefficiently deal with any problem an individual might be experiencing.

While hate is the nemesis of love it can and is corrupted by other negative influences such as greed, lust, and selfishness. All designed to either test love or destroy it from the inside. It is my hope that I am providing a sufficient context in which love can be fully explored though by it’s very nature it resist rudimentary analysis.

I once defined love as the only thing you can give that doesn’t take away from you. For it is a concept in which division can not diminish . Love is characteristic of life itself and that is to divide and multiply. To lend purpose to paradigm. To manifest in every conceivable and inconceivable fashion. It motives us to come together and to stay together. It is the key to acceptance and forethought to forgiveness.

Though our capacity for animosity seems almost limitless, our potential for love guarantees that there will always be a chance to redeem ourselves.

Archimedes once said.

“ Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth”

Love is that place to stand.



Gerald Drueppel

Singled out by The Adversary to us all since birth. I self fulfill the prophecy that The Adversary has groomed his destroyer. Why? He nor I never had a choice.