nTitle Progress Update: August 23rd

The nTitle Network
Published in
5 min readAug 23, 2018

Once again, we have a progress update packed with exciting news for you! In this edition, we’re introducing new members in our team and advisory board, offering a preview and limited Beta testing program for our DApp working on the Ethereum Ropsten testnet, new partnerships in the gaming industry and much more!

You can always keep track of our developments in real time via our social channels:


Please welcome these great additions to our ever-growing team and advisory board!

Bas van Oostveen — Blockchain Consultant

Bas is a blockchain expert that mined his first Bitcoin in 2010 and has been involved in blockchain ever since. With over 20 years of IT experience and a background in security and open source software he has created engineering departments, lead architecture design, development & management of several high volume internet and security platforms. Under which are real-time trading and advertisement systems and digital media platforms with over 9,000 websites, sustaining traffic of over 4gbit/s, combining micropayments, credit-card handling and fraud detection/prevention. https://www.linkedin.com/in/oostveen/

Victor Kashirin — User Experience / Frontend

Victor’s range of professional interests includes front-end development, UX and UI design, data analytics and visualisation. He has experience in doing academic research, developing enterprise applications for large corporations as well as helping to shape environmental agendas through research, data preparation and presentation. On the front-end side, he is most curious about making blockchain-enabled applications accessible, intuitive and reliable. https://www.linkedin.com/in/victorkashirin/

Gareth Lewis — Solidity Expert

Gareth is the Head of Technology for Poland and Eastern Europe at a top-tier investment bank. He is an experienced leader in FinTech with expertise in blockchain research and emerging financial technologies. In May 2018, Gareth was awarded a grant from the Ethereum Foundation to develop his project on the Ethereum blockchain (a cryptowallet incorporating smart contract custody).


Watch our bcommerce Mobile Trading DApp in action on the Ethereum Testnet!

On our website — https://ntitle.network/ — you can now watch our bcommerce Mobile Trading DApp in action on the Ethereum Ropsten Testnet. And that’s not all, you can even try it yourself by applying to our limited Beta testing program!

Subscribe to the program and we’ll be in contact shortly to set you up with our DApp so you can start trading licenses on the blockchain!

We have partnered with more amazing gaming companies!

3goo http://www.3goo.co.jp/

3goo is a Japanese video game publisher releasing games throughout several platforms while specialising in Nintendo Switch games. They have some awesome titles out there, definitely check them out!

JiJi Games http://www.jijigames.nl/

JiJi Games is a dutch game studio creating games with an attitude. They are staying ahead of the curve by developing innovative (and of course really fun!) indiegames

3rdKind.inc http://www.3rdkind-inc.com/

After some good ride as publisher, 3rdKind.inc, is now focussing on development and will bring their own games early 2019. Their main titles being Snoopy and Dig Dig.

Tabletop Pixel http://www.tabletop-pixel.com/

Tabletop Pixel is a game development studio based in Tokyo oriented toward the creation of digital board-games and retro-gaming experiences built with cool multi-platform technologies such as Unity and HTML5.

Have you seen our Whitepaper yet?

Click here to check it out: - Whitepaper -

Recent events:

We were at Gamescom! It’s been an intense few days packed with meetings with game developers of all sizes. More info soon.

Our COO, Freddy Bucknell, has spent a week in Tokyo meeting with blockchain industry experts, funds, and investors. Discussions are still ongoing and we hope to be able to announce something soon.

Freddy with Masahiro Yasu, CEO of Alis

Let’s have a coffee… beer?

We are always up for a chat so don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to talk about our project. If you happen to be in Amsterdam, let us know as well, we’d be happy to grab a drink with you!

In the meantime, you can come chat to us and stay up to date with our latest developments via our social channels:


Missed our previous update? You can catch up here:

nTitle Progress Update: July 26th

Check our latest announcement about our bcommerce solution:




The nTitle Network

nTitle revolutionizes the gaming industry by removing the restrictions imposed by third party marketplaces and gives game developers and gamers back their power