nTitle Progress Update: May 24th

The nTitle Network
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2018

Welcome to this edition of our progress update series. We’ve got another few weeks of whirlwind activity that we’re excited to share with you!

And we’re all about the videos this week so grab some popcorn 🍿 because they’re definitely worth the watch.

For a closer look at what we’re doing, don’t forget to follow our daily progress through Telegram, Discord, Twitter or Facebook

We had visitors from Poland!

  • It was a very productive week in the Amsterdam office. A group of our best and brightest blockchain developers and project managers came over for an intense few days of planning and bonding.
From left to right: Pawel, Peter, John, Bastien, Guido, Marcin and Freddy

nTitle is attending and preparing for several blockchain events

Pawel, our CTO speaking about decentralization
Bastien, our Project Manager about nTitle disrupting the gaming industry

Wait until you see what our devs have been working on

  • Front-end development of our bcommerce marketplace dapp demo is reaching completion. We are currently in process of linking our licensing smart contracts to the marketplace and rapidly moving towards deployment to the Ethereum Ropsten test network.
  • Fully tested and documented licensing smart contract code will be available soon on our GitHub. Follow us and stay tuned for more details.
  • While our dev team was in Amsterdam they gave us a first look at the soon to be released nTitle branded racing game. This retro-inspired racer will have a built-in leaderboard system, intended to incentivize players to compete for NTL tokens.
  • We’ve started exploring options provided by Twitch and Twitch API extensions, which will allow influencers and streamers to seamlessly integrate with nTitle licensing protocols.

nTitle Whitepaper 2.0 is almost here

  • We’ve been working hard at updating our whitepaper to reflect the huge amount of changes that have been going on. Next week we’ll be launching version 2.0!

Partnerships incoming!

  • Our team is hard at work networking and managing key relationships with VC’s, private investors and game developers.

Want more information? Check out our Website, Tokensale Site and join our Whitelist

Ready to join the conversation? You can find us on all your favorite social channels:


Missed our previous update? Catch up now:

nTitle Progress Update: May 2nd



The nTitle Network

nTitle revolutionizes the gaming industry by removing the restrictions imposed by third party marketplaces and gives game developers and gamers back their power