Neptune Network version 2.0.0 update content details

Neptune Network
3 min readMar 8, 2024


Leading the future, Neptune has joined hands with the world’s largest IDC computer room to create the world’s leading distributed cluster physical machine network. With efficient 10G port bandwidth input and output, advanced Kubernetes technology is used to achieve automated operation and maintenance. Neptune’s decentralized design enables each user to become an independent accounting node in the network, providing you with excellent data security and privacy protection.

Cooperating with the world’s largest IDC computer room, Neptune has built a technologically leading global distributed cluster to provide you with excellent performance and stability. Our network architecture not only subverts tradition, but also leads the new era of Web3.0.

With the development of decentralized blockchain technology, the custody and management of digital assets has become increasingly important. “Neptune”, as a decentralized blockchain wallet, focuses on providing excellent security, allowing users to have peace of mind during use. Here are some of the key technologies and measures we employ to ensure our users’ funds are safe.

Neptune Network APP version 2.0.0 update includes:

- Added iOS version support
- Newly designed UI page
- The main page will display the unreleased and released amounts of NT tokens
- DEFI trading:
1. Added DEFI “Notes” display
2. Added a countdown function to release NT tokens in DEFI trading orders
3. Added NT token cumulative release display function
- Added transfer hash value display function
- Added trend chart display of NT token
- New partner rewards are automatically released
- Released NT tokens now support transfers between Neptune APP and TRONLINK wallets, and can be transferred to and from other Neptune accounts.

In addition, the technical team has enhanced security functions to effectively protect the safety of your funds, and improved blockchain operation capabilities to further speed up the time to account arrival.

Here’s an update on Neptune’s cybersecurity

The security of blockchain technology
Private key encryption: “Neptune” uses advanced asymmetric encryption algorithms to generate and manage private keys for users. The private key is the key to user assets. Through powerful encryption technology, we ensure the security of the private key and prevent unauthorized access.

Smart contract security: Our wallet interacts with smart contracts to ensure the security of the smart contracts themselves. We review and adopt best practices for writing smart contracts to protect against potential vulnerabilities and attacks.

Multi-level authentication
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): To add an extra layer to user accounts, “Neptune” supports two-factor authentication. This means that users need to provide two or more different authentication factors, greatly reducing the possibility of unauthorized access.

Secure communication and storage
End-to-end encryption: All communications with the “Neptune” server are end-to-end encrypted to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and data leaks.

Locally saved private keys: In order to enhance users’ control and security of private keys, “Neptune” adopts a strategy of locally saved private keys. This means that the user’s private key is only stored on their local device and our system does not store the user’s private key information in the cloud, thus reducing the potential risk of remote attacks.

Encryption algorithm guarantee: The private key saved locally by the user is protected by a highly secure encryption algorithm. Even in the event that the device is lost or stolen, the private key is sufficiently protected to ensure that the user’s digital assets are not compromised.

Security audits and updates
Security Audits: We conduct regular security audits to identify and correct potential vulnerabilities. By continually improving our systems, we are committed to maintaining a high level of vigilance against the latest threats.

Instant Updates: We release security updates immediately when any potential risks or vulnerabilities are discovered. This ensures that users always have access to the latest and most secure version of the “Neptune” wallet.

Through the comprehensive application of these technologies and measures, “Neptune” is committed to providing a safe and trustworthy decentralized blockchain wallet, allowing users to enjoy the best security experience in the management of digital assets. We will continue to pay attention to and adopt emerging security technologies to ensure that users’ property is always best protected.

Neptune is not only the pinnacle of technology, but also an explorer of the future. Join us to start a new journey in the digital world.



Neptune Network

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