What are the benefits of cloud computing? After covid what is the situation of cloud computing?

2 min readJan 17, 2022
Cloud Computing

There is an increased focus on technology to enable secure remote workforces so businesses can continue functioning, particularly in light of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdown.

Cloud Computing is one of the key technologies enabling people to work from home and keep business-critical services going. It allows the flexibility of connecting to one’s business anywhere, any time.

A business that was either in transition or already on the cloud was able to cope with the disruption since cloud infrastructure enables companies to scale up and down with flexibility. With software-as-a-service or SaaS, — the complexity and scaling of the underlying IT infrastructure is all handled by your SaaS vendor-

There are many benefits to moving your business to the cloud:

  • Reduced IT costs

You pay for only what you consume and don’t have to maintain and compute / spares.

  • Scalability

Scale up or down your cloud infrastructure based on demand — allows you to handle sudden spikes and demand without investing and maintaining and unused capacity.

  • Business continuity

- Get access to your data/application from anywhere

- Easily build/implement disaster recovery across cloud regions

  • Collaboration efficiency

meet virtually and easily share information in real-time

  • Flexibility

Flexibility to choose/consume resources but also to adopt new technologies to develop new products and services in order to provide business with a competitive edge.

Source: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-benifits-of-cloud-computing-After-covid-what-is-the-situation-of-cloud-computing




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