How to gain weight and muscle mass naturally.

Nubahil Naseer
4 min readFeb 21, 2023


An Individual body mass\weight is the vertical force it exerts on the ground due to gravity or how much matter it contains. It is usually measured in pounds or Kilograms by a weighing scale. There are an association between optimal body weight and maximum life expectancy for a given height, which in turn can be used to determine your Ideal weight. Nowadays BMI (Body mass index) is used as a benchmark to categorize a person as either Obese or Underweight. If BMI is less than 18.5, it indicates that the person is underweight. A BMI of between 18.5 and 24.9 is ideal. You are categorized as over-weight, if your BMI is between 25 and 29.9. A BMI of greater than 30 clearly tells that you are over-weight.

Ideal body weight Table.

Where being obese or over-weight adversely effects your physical and mental health. Similarly, the risk factors associated with being underweight are no less such as malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, fragile bones, anemia, osteoporosis, lower immunity and decreased muscle strength. A number of mental health conditions are also outcomes of being underweight. To make all these risk factors associated with being underweight disappear you need to opt for nutrient-dense foods and beverages, because not only gaining weight for optimal health is important but also It should be done the right way. A healthy approach to gaining weight is only possible if you start consuming balanced diet for optimal amount of subcutaneous fat and muscle mass rather than just stuffing your face and bellies with a lot of unhealthy fat.

So, it is utmost important to eat healthy even when you are trying to gain body weight because a recent animal study has clearly shown that Belly fat can result in cancer. It is also obvious that unhealthy fat can lead to Diabetes and Heart Diseases.

In this article, I have summarized a few economical diets that will definitely help you in your weight gain journey.

Protein for Weight management and adequate muscle mass

Protein sources such as Salmon, eggs, Chickpeas, beans and chicken etc. can be consumed in the form of Salads, Curries and Sandwiches. Similarly, protein shakes and supplements are also being consumed for gaining optimal body mass. It is also important that you choose protein supplements and shakes wisely after consultation with your dietitian because some protein shakes are loaded with artificial sugars and hence provide no nutritional value. Overall Addition of adequate Protein sources to your diet can help with muscle growth and maintenance.

Chocolate For Optimal Body weight

Any dietary supplement or food which are high in carbohydrates are excellent for you when it is comes to gaining weight. Dark chocolates which are obtained directly from cocoa beans are loaded with antioxidants and in comparison, to milk contain less sugar. Dark chocolate also suppresses your sugar cravings. You can top your salads with dark chocolate for some extra flavor.

Dairy products

Be it cheese, milk, Butter or Yogurt every dairy product is loaded with beneficial nutrients and minerals mainly Calcium and protein. Dairy products not only add a flavor and texture to your food, but also increase the nutritional value. Among the most widely consumed dairy product, A cup of Milk provides about 122 calories. The protein and Calcium in milk is excellent for you, if you are experiencing fragile bones and muscle weakness. Milk can be consumed in the form of shakes, smoothies and puddings.

Cheese which is also dense in essential nutrients and minerals can be added to your salads, curries and sandwiches.

Plain or Greek Yogurt are good source of protein and calories. Don’t opt for flavored yogurts as they are high in added sugar. You can add flavor to your yogurt by consuming it along with fruits, nuts or 100 percent natural cocoa powder.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds when consumed in moderation can benefit you in terms of putting healthy body weight as they are good sources of unsaturated fat. They can be consumed along with salads, puddings and yogurt.


Avocados makes a perfect combination with sandwiches, smoothies, salads. Because not only do they increase their Calorie content but also makes them nutritious as they are good source of vitamins and minerals such as Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium.

Weight management by consuming Carbohydrate Rich sources

A very simple and obvious way of gaining weight is increasing your Carbohydrate consumption. Rice either brown or white can be very beneficial in your weight gain journey because they are high in calorie content. Some studies say that eating rice along with chapati can help you in weight gain. Also make sure that you include whole grain cereals such as wheat, oats and barely in your diet.

Healthy weight gain is the concern of every other individual, yet it is one of the toughest tasks on this planet. However, increasing your calorie intake and serving size can help you in accomplishing your goal of an optimal body weight.

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