Nubian Diary Entry #1: Teaching & Learning with Animation

4 min readMar 24, 2023


In 2019, NubianVR received a grant from UNICEF Innovation Fund to develop an interactive learning module in virtual reality to teach basic electronics. As part of the project, the Nubian team developed a series of 18 animated video lessons to anchor the learning objectives based on insights received from teachers in the Ga-East Municipal district.

Lesson Introductions

The video lessons were developed to align with the Ghana Education Service JHS curriculum and covered various topics such as creating a circuit with basic components, understanding the arrangement of circuits in series and parallel, using a diode, resistor, and capacitor in a circuit, and more. Each lesson included a narrative-driven analogy to help students understand the abstract concepts of electrical components.

In order to achieve these learning objectives, the Nubian team employed a meticulous process that included the selection of a style guide, curriculum development, story writing, sketching, illustration, animatics & animation, and review. A voice actor was carefully selected to ensure that the lesson content was delivered in an accent that would be easily understood by students in Ghanaian schools.

Style Guide — Color & Visual Design
Style Guide — Character Design | Characters for the Animated Videos
Pencil Sketch of a Video Lesson on Diodes
Style Guide — Typography

The final product was eventually incorporated into the Basic Electronics VR, and the video lessons received positive feedback from junior high school teachers in the Ga-East district in January 2020. The lessons were designed to achieve specific learning objectives, and the animation and voice-over made the content engaging and accessible for students & teachers.

Overall, the Basic Electronic project is an excellent example of how technology can be used to enhance education in developing countries. By leveraging virtual reality and animated video lessons, the project provided students with an interactive and engaging learning experience that was aligned with the Ghana Education Service curriculum. The project demonstrates the potential of using technology to address the challenges facing the teaching and learning of science in developing countries.

If you want to check out the video lessons, you can find them on this playlist.

Lesson 4 Introductions

NubianVR’s Diary Medium Series is intended to give readers a holistic view of our work as an interactive product company focused on making games for learning & entertainment. Through these diary entries, we share our experiences, challenges, and progress as we develop innovative interactive solutions. Our goal is to use this platform to provide insights into our development process, share best practices, and document our journey

NubianVR is an interactive development company with operations in Ghana & the United States. It was officially founded in 2015; our team consists of multidisciplinary creators, learning experts & developers with experience in building interactive products, virtual reality simulations & games primarily for learning, training & fun. Some of our learning products include The Life Skills App & Nubian Storybook.




NubianVR is an interactive products company with experience in building virtual reality simulation and games primarily for learning, training & fun