
I am very sure many of us just read pass that topic.

It is not just a topic neither is it an introduction but a question to be answered sincerely, so I will suggest you stop here.

Go back to the topic and ensure you provide an answer.

So, again,

On a scale of 0 to 15, how much do you love yourself?

Credit: Unsplash

Several times, I have caught myself stating some dislikes about myself, comparing myself to others and wishing to be like them.

I realized that I find it really difficult to forgive myself when I make mistakes but find it very easy to forgive others.

I would rather be nice, kind and gentle to others than to be kind, nice and gentle to myself.

Yes, I get the whole part of being hard on yourself to stretch you and bring out the best in you but this is different and I am sure you clearly understand where I am coming from.

It is very easy to love someone and like so many things about that person but when it comes to us, we could mention 101 reasons why we do not love ourselves and another 101 reasons about the things we would want to change in us to make us like others.

Remember this statement?

You cannot give what you do not have

Permit me to also include this statement:

You teach others the way to treat you by the way you treat yourself

We have to learn to love ourselves. Learn to love you for who you are.

Rather than hate yourself because of your flaws, see those flaws as opportunities for you to be a better person.

Credit: Unsplash

Just imagine for a moment!

What would you be like and how would you feel if you had just 1% of your entire flaws?

I bet you would be feeling like a Queen or a King, someone that everyone wants to associate with and a role model to many. But you do not have to wait till then to see yourself this way or feel this way.

This is a charge to you my adorable reader.

Credit: Unsplash

Stop hating on yourself, your body, the way you walk, the way you talk, your hair, your procrastinating habit among others.

Don’t be so hard on yourself because you made the same mistake again.

Just open up yourself to TRUE SELF LOVE.

True love from deep within.

The one that will surpass all human understanding and will leave people with no other choice but to love you too.

Learn to love yourself and be intentional about it!

Learn to love yourself the way Christ loves you and learn to see yourself through his eyes. This has been my prayer for days and is going to remain my prayer until I see the manifestation physically.

It is going to take a while but keep at it.

It is very easy to condemn yourself and speak negatively about yourself and be nice to everyone around you but you.

Enough with the comparison game!

So, challenge yourself to improve daily but be patient, forgiving and kind to yourself especially when you flop.

Also learn to treat yourself to something nice as a reward for truly loving yourself.

Until then, you can’t truly love others.



Sandra-Emmanuella Chinonso Okafor

Welcome to ‘’JEWEL WRITES’’. I transform my experiences to lessons/road maps in speeches and write-ups to help you make the most out of your life.