Why No One is Better Than You


Here is the truth…

We all need to cut ourselves some slack and give ourselves some time.

So lately and for a while now, I have been beating myself up about how my age mates, my friends, classmates and people around me are all doing great things. They are known for their amazing works.

Some of them work in really good places. Some of them have their talents and gifts taking them to places that they wouldn’t be able to go to on a normal day.

Don’t get me wrong, I am happy for them. I am happy for my friends and classmates and those people but sometimes, it makes me feel worthless.

I know the number of times I have had to ask myself: “Sandra, what exactly are you doing?” (or maybe I have even lost count on those number of times).

Sometimes, it gets really confusing and frustrating.

Just for a moment, it feels like I have it all figured out and then just with the snap of a finger… It’s all gone and I am back to square one. The confused, I don’t even know what I am doing state.

I know I am not the only one in this category, so many of us are. But hey! I got an analogy (which is the truth by the way) that has given me peace finally.

So here we go…

Let’s take the scenario of an orange tree. I may not know all the nitty-gritty about the growth and maturity of this plant but at least, I know the basics.

While reading this analogy, I want you to liken this to yourself (not that you are a plant though, but I think you get my point).

Source: Google Images

An orange seed has to be first planted in the soil. Then you have to ensure it is continually receiving all the necessary growth factors (water, sunlight, probably fertilizer or manure and any other nutrient).

Gradually, this orange seed develops roots in the soil, then its stem begins to grow at varying heights and branches begin to develop too.

On the branches, leaves begin to sprout and after which the sumptuous orange fruits begin to develop too.

This orange tree keeps bearing so many fruits as long as it keeps receiving the necessary elements.

This tree then feeds tens, hundreds and thousands of people. The seeds from the fruits are then planted again and the entire process starts all over. And Boom! You have an orange plantation that can feed millions of people. And this plantation can last a lifetime under the right conditions.

Sandra, so what exactly is your point? My point to you my dear reader is…

Right now, it may seem like you are not doing anything tangible with your life. It may seem like you are not adding value.

You may feel stagnated and without purpose and meaning. You may not have it all figured out.

You may not be doing those “great things” that your friends are doing but as long as you are doing the right things, as long as you are feeding yourself with the right nutrients…..You. Are. Growing.

It’s a process.

People get planted at different times, in different seasons. Of course, you don’t expect my growth level and fruition to be the same as yours.

The most important thing is, no matter how long it takes for my fruition to happen, it will definitely happen at its own time.

A cassava plant that was planted a year ago (Cassava A) is not any better than the cassava plant that was planted yesterday (Cassava B).

Yes, the former (Cassava A) may have fully matured and started producing cassava tubers but give the latter one (Cassava B) some time too and it will definitely get to that stage and produce its own cassava tubers.

What’s the difference here? Timing.

The fact that someone is already accomplishing great things here and there and you have not even accomplished any great thing yet, doesn’t mean you are of no good or you will never be great or accomplish anything great.

Just keep doing the necessary things, keep improving on that skill, keep reading those books, keep taking those courses…..When the time is right, you will produce your fruits that will leave a legacy.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

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Sandra-Emmanuella Chinonso Okafor

Welcome to ‘’JEWEL WRITES’’. I transform my experiences to lessons/road maps in speeches and write-ups to help you make the most out of your life.