Invest In Lights To Increase The Value Of Your Outdoor Spaces

Nuer Lighting
3 min readNov 7, 2022


Numerous modest improvements that may be made around the house can have a significant impact on a home’s resale value. Installing outdoor lighting is one of the simplest and most obvious things you can do to improve your home’s curb appeal as well as your own wellbeing.

Making the most of your curb appeal is Commercial outdoor lighting. The lawn, fences, pavement, and other architectural features that are located inside your property line are highlighted with the suitable illumination. Additionally, it may provide the curb’s various components and angles a fresh appearance.

You could also need to pick the outside lights depending on the outdoor arrangement and theme to significantly increase curb appeal. Halogen ambient lighting is a good option for illuminating sizable outdoor areas. General illumination may be included, but it may also include dimming capabilities. In this manner, you may easily change the area’s brightness.

Lights are put primarily to illuminate places.

It could be difficult to travel at night without them. The issue might be twice as difficult on your property’s exterior, especially at night. Fortunately, you may add different lights to improve visibility inside your outdoor space and around the outside of your house.

As a result, you won’t risk stumbling over or bumping against trees or other objects that are difficult to see in the dark. You might prevent tripping and falling onto unexpectedly sharp or projecting items, which could lead to falls or injuries.

Following your neighborhood’s lead.

Let’s get this out of the way right away: Adding outside lighting is not a guarantee that your property will sell more quickly or for more money. Your home is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it. Having said that, it won’t harm to include it even if you don’t want to sell anytime soon.

Safety comes first, not just for show.

Commercial outdoor lighting systems aren’t only for show; it also serves functional purposes. Everyone is concerned about their safety, and outdoor lighting may play a crucial role in that. It not only enables you to go around your property after dark, but it also works to keep out trespassers. Consider this: If a thief wants to enter a house, which house — one that is brilliantly illuminated or one that is dark — would they choose?

Look at the other houses on your block first. Are there any exterior or landscaping lights there? If they have it installed and you don’t, you should probably get it done for more reasons than merely to keep up with your neighbours.

If a potential buyer compares your property to others in the neighbourhood when it comes time to sell, they could assume you were careless or cheap and be unwilling to offer as much for the home — or they might just seek elsewhere. Those consumers wouldn’t be in error.

By illuminating the majority of your outside spaces, good commercial outdoor lighting improves the safety and security of your home. The additional visibility provided by proper illumination will persuade wrongdoers to reconsider trying to break in.

Additionally, some exterior lights with timers are configured to turn on automatically at a certain time. Because of this, anyone trying to access the property unlawfully may be seen by the homeowners or bystanders. To deter trespassers from breaking in, some exterior lights also turn on when they sense movement or thermal presence.


An outdoor lighting system just makes too much sense when your safety and security are combined with the possibility for a significant rise in your property’s value (some estimate up to 20%). It is something that may increase the value of a home by thousands of dollars and be worth many times what was spent to install it. However, the most essential thing to remember is that you cannot place a value on your personal protection and safety, making an outdoor lighting system priceless.



Nuer Lighting

Commercial lighting & Sign Services indoor & Outdoor