Western vs Eastern Ideology

Joseph Lyle Hiebert
2 min readFeb 26, 2023


Western Ideology:

We are a combination of smaller parts, as defined by our past, that are given or taken depending on those that have formed our pasts from which our futures are determined.

Eastern Ideology:

We are whole beings personified by our present and inseparable from that which surrounds us… we are inherently undefinable.

One is a tale of slavery and hopelessness, the other of liberation and dedication. When you want to know who a person is, do you look to their past or their present to determine the truth of their existence??? Do you see that they are only parts, or do you see that they are beyond their parts (people first, all other things second)??? Do you see their worth as imbued or inherent??? Are we only what we have been given to become, or are we capable of more than that??? Do you feel the same of others, or are they not like you (undeserving of the same consideration and compassion)???

Think it through carefully.

Thank you for reading. 😊

“If all you can ever do is determined by what you’ve been given then you have no worth, no role, no purpose, no hope, and no control of your own and you never will (all that you are has already been decided by others, as others have had their fates decided by those before them... we are slaves that can do nothing we’ve not been preprogrammed to do). The contrast here is why eastern ideology centers itself in the concept of "personal liberation", the idea that we are in fact not slaves to our chains, that we can break free of those chains, because the chains that bind us don’t define us... we do.” - Joseph Hiebert



Joseph Lyle Hiebert

I have suffered from CPTSD, BPD, PTSD, Bipolar 2, and DID since I was 4 years old. At 32 I found my way. :) Email me at nuetral768@gmail.com