Some Amazing Home Decorating Tips for Small Houses

Number25 Design
3 min readOct 16, 2018


Decorating your home can be a hard task, and it becomes harder when you have a small area for your home. Well, you can use a lot of things that can help you to decorate, and at the same time, you can use these tips to add space to your house. The best way to do that is to use the home decoration wall art, and with that, you can add up things to your wall to make it look beautiful. The number 25 online store offers the wide range of the home decor items that can enhance the overall decor of your house and makes it look amazing.

Wall Art Collection by Number 25

Here are some of the tips that can help you with home decor for your small house.

1) Light Colors

When you use the bright color on small spaces, then the light will get reflected harshly, and it would feel a little uncomfortable for you. With the help of these light colors, you can feel some better vibes, and you will get a hassle-free and airy space for your house.

2) Use Walls

Using the home decoration wall art can turn out to be beneficial than any other option, and with this thing, you can add space to your house, and at the same time, you will be decorating your home. You can use the bookshelves, some paintings, lamp, slabs, and many other accessories for the wall.

3) Round Furniture

Well, you need to think outside the box if you want to add some innovation while adding space to your small home. There is nothing wrong with the round furniture, and these types of beds and all other things look cool. This can add some better space with those snug corners, and you should use the round furniture if you want to add much space.

4) Small Doors

When it comes to the doors, then you can find out that these take up much of your space in your house or your living room. Well, when you open up the door, then you need to give space to the hands of the doors. To overcome that, you can use the sliders, and with the small size of the door, you can add up so many things to it.

5) Floor to Ceiling Shelves

This type of thing is easily neglected by most of the house owners but as you have a much smaller house and you need to get the space, and you cannot bear this much of space easily. So, you need to use this home decoration wall art for your house and to make it look better, you can add some of the paintings to the void, and other can be used as storage.

Beautiful Wall Painting

6) Space beneath the Stairs

If you are much into the wall art and you still don’t have much space for your paintings, then the space behind the stairs can help you out easily. You can even use the space as storage for your scrap or even as a storeroom. These things can help you to add beauty and space at the same time for your small house.

