Mobile Development Trends Observed in 2018

5 min readOct 24, 2018

The development of mobile applications is one of the fastest growing sectors in the software development industry. Many companies realized that their own mobile application is no longer simply an investment in the future, but a necessity in the present.

Innovation, technology, and projection: that’s the formula for success nowadays. Those who do not understand this are more likely to be relegated.

There are several 2018 trends observed in the development of mobile applications that will definitely determine the future of the industry!

Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages

Mobile applications and the fastest websites will always be better. As users and search engines like Google become increasingly impatient with these things, the Accelerated Mobile Pages increase has emerged.

AMP already allowed mobile users to load web pages quickly. Google has also stated that they will offer mobile device users a special mobile search box to search for websites optimized for mobile devices. If companies optimize their own websites to be optimized for mobile devices, they will be included in this mobile search index on Google.

AMPs have the ability to load pages quickly, reduce the number of bounces, attract more traffic, increase CTR and increase the ranking of search engines. You will not even need to use sitemaps.

Applications for portable devices

Applications For Portable Devices

More people wear wearables than ever. This technology became popular for the first time within the niche of medical care because portable applications allow users to track their exercise routines, heartbeats, eating rituals, etc. As these portable devices become more fashionable in appearance, mobile application developers will create new applications for smartphones as observed in 2018.

You will see the manufacturers of iPhones and Android smartphones create applications for their phones that can be synchronized and integrated with more portable technology. Therefore, wearables will evolve along with the development of mobile applications.

Augmented reality and virtual reality will influence mobile strategies

Augmented reality and virtual reality will influence mobile strategies

There is already augmented reality technology integrated into social networking applications and gaming applications. As more people use it, it creates an incentive for mobile application development companies to develop AR technology for their applications.

In addition, virtual reality will be very popular as portable applications become more common. Both these technology are seeing an amazing growth rate in the gaming sector and slowly they might enter our offices too to increase productivity!

More businesses will invest in the integration with the Cloud

Integration with the Cloud

It took years, but the world is finally awakening to the possibilities offered by computing and integration in the cloud. The optimization of operations, the reduction of hosting costs, better storage and load capacity, together with greater user retention, are some of the advantages of developing mobile applications in the cloud. Plus speeds like 5G.

Mobile security

Mobile security

Together with the development of technology and its expansion increases the risk of attackers. Today’s smartphone memory contains a large amount of personal information that requires a serious attitude towards your safety. This is even more important for developers than for the users themselves.

These are the most common vulnerabilities in mobile applications: insufficient data transfer protection, weak server-side control, problems with authorization, and authentication protection.

Personal photo and video, credit card details, access to various services: dropping this information in the wrong hands can damage your reputation and your business.

Applications with built-in security features will become standard practice and increase in number. In addition, security measures based on blockchain technology are on the rise.

Mobile payments

Mobile payments

Customers who participate in online purchases through mobile applications have been using online banking or credit/debit cards to make payments. But with the introduction of Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Paytm and Google Pay, customers are gradually switching to m-commerce.

It will be a good way for companies to collect data and provide in-depth analysis about customers. In addition to being a more convenient payment option for customers.

Location-based applications

Location-based applications

In 2017, services based on geolocation enjoyed great popularity. Consequently, in 2018 its functionality only grew. It is quite logical that when you search for the equipment repair workshop in the business catalog application, the application will show you the repair shop closest to you on the map.

There are many options for using geolocation, especially in niches such as service, training, medical care, and commerce. Of course, in this case, the question of confidentiality comes first. Therefore, the user must have the option to show their location or not.


In the world of mobile application development, seeing all these new technologies, things certainly look brighter for iOS and Android applications. The year 2019 will see a big boom in the mobile applications industry, especially with very innovative applications like ours Numbertank that will keep people hooked to their smartphones.

For this reason, taking into account what is coming and what will come is a fundamental factor for success in the development of applications.

