Digital Marketing Course Strategy | Search engine optimization

Numen Technology
1 min readFeb 11, 2020


Most purchasing decisions begin online.
That being the case, an online presence is absolutely necessary — regardless of what you sell.
The key is to develop a digital marketing strategy that puts you in all the places your followers are already hanging out, then using a variety of digital channels to connect with them in a multitude of ways….Content to keep them updated with industry news, the problems they’re facing, and how you solve those problems……Social media to share that content and then engage with them as friends and followers…..Search engine optimization (SEO) to optimize your content, so it will show up when someone is searching for the information you’ve written about……Advertising to drive paid traffic to your website, where people can see your offers……And email marketing to follow up with your audience to be sure they continue to get the solutions they’re looking for.When you put all these pieces together, you’ll end up with an efficient, easy-to-operate digital marketing machine. And while it looks intimidating to build that machine from scratch, it’s as simple as learning and integrating one digital marketing tactic at a time.



Numen Technology

Numentechnology provides the best IT Training & placement services in Bangalore , IT Training Like Data science , Digital Marketing, seo, sem, Cloud computing..