via della spiga

أنمار الدارمي
3 min readDec 5, 2014


Walking down one of milan’s most famous streets on a chilly evening, with a few rain drops from what remains of the dark clouds that hovered up around them just a few hours ago, her mind wanders.

There she was, a bride, walking hand in hand with her handsome husband, of only five days, with a couple of unlimited credit cards right in the pocket of his finely tailored suit pants.

As they passed a young street musician playing the violin, she stood for a few seconds, still clinging onto her husband’s arm, trying to take the moment in. She was happy, because she made the right choice. She married the right man.

Five days earlier…

12 am

1 new message

In exactly 15 hours, you are going to be all mine.

The message made my heart skip a beat, my stomach did a double flip and i sat up. I knew i was in love with the right man. He was smart, funny, sweet, good looking, and not to mention, successfull. I felt something I’ve never felt before with him.

I contemplated on what to reply with, and I knew I needed some sleep. After all, i was to be legally married at 3, and the actual wedding would be at 8. I had a long day ahead of me.

I tossed and turned.

4 am… not a bit of sleep.

8 am

My phone kept ringing, and as i opened my blurry eyes, all i could see was the morning light seeping through my shutters. After answering a couple of messages, and calling back the ones that mean the most, i got up and out of bed to face reality.

It hit me as i was getting washed up, I was to be wed in just a few hours.

A wife. From Miss to Mrs.

3 pm

I was surounded by my mother, friends and hair/makeup specialists when i received a phone call. It was the first phone call from my Mr. to his Mrs. I wasn’t shy, i wasn’t scared, and i wasn’t worried. I had complete faith that i made the right decision.

As the clock ticked closer to 10 pm, when i was supposed to make my grand entrance, my heart raced. I had butterflies, but they were the good kind, you know? The ones where you smile uncontrollably and feel like you just want to dance around?

Anyway, it was time.

As i entered the ballroom i counted…











One step….

and this went on.

After a million pictures, a lot of hello’s and hugs later…

He walked in with the men of his family and his friends.

There we were.

Mr.X and Mrs.X, for the first time ever.

Our families gathered around into one picture. Our mothers sobbed uncontrollably, and all we could do was smile, exchange whispers and laugh. I was sitting there, looking at my hand in his, and i knew that what we have is real.

Our families were happy with our union, and thats what meant the most to us.

5 days later…

Staring at the musician, she knew she didnt marry him for his money, or for his looks. She married him for how good she feels with him. She married him because when shes with him, she feels safe, calm, and happy. Good looks were just a bonus. Money could disappear. Feelings are what remained. True feelings.

Passing by the cutest little flower pots hanging on the street, and the reflection of the sunset on the puddles of water caused by the rain, she hoped that what ever the future holds, would be as great as the feeling she had inside of her right then and there.

قد يكون الغيب حلواً… انما الحاضرُ احلى

