Unleashing iOS 18: 73 Game-Changing Features You Need to Try

Num Tnn
15 min readJun 18, 2024


Discover the innovations that make iOS 18 the most powerful and personalized operating system yet.

iOS 18 is packed with a wide array of innovative features designed to enhance functionality, personalization, and overall user experience. Here’s a comprehensive look at 72 must-try features, along with how to use each one, their benefits, and additional information.

Apple Intelligence

1.Writing Tools : Available across all apps, these tools help with rewriting, polishing, proofreading, and summarizing text. Access them by selecting text and choosing the new editing options.

  • How to Use: Available across all apps. Select text and choose from new editing options like rewrite, polish, proofread, or summarize.
  • Benefits: Enhances writing quality, saves time, and improves clarity.
  • Additional Info: These tools utilize advanced AI to provide suggestions and corrections tailored to your writing style.

2. Image Playground : This app, found in Messages, Notes, and Photos, lets you generate custom images using prompts. Incorporate pictures of friends and family for personalized styles.

  • How to Use: Found in Messages, Notes, and Photos. Use prompts to generate custom images. Incorporate pictures of friends and family for personalized styles.
  • Benefits: Offers creative and personalized image generation.
  • Additional Info: Ideal for creating unique visuals for social media and personal projects.

3.Genmoji :Create custom emojis in Messages by describing what you want, and Apple will generate them for you.

  • How to Use: In Messages, describe the emoji you want, and Apple will generate it for you.
  • Benefits: Adds a personal touch to your messages with custom emojis.
  • Additional Info: These custom emojis can be saved and reused in future conversations.

Siri Enhancements

4.Contextual Awareness : Siri offers more natural interactions and remembers previous requests. Use voice commands as usual, and Siri will understand the context better.

  • How to Use: Use voice commands as usual; Siri will remember previous requests and provide contextually aware responses.
  • Benefits: More natural and efficient interactions with Siri.
  • Additional Info: Enhances Siri’s ability to follow multi-step instructions and provide more relevant answers.

5.Type to Siri : Double-tap the bottom of the display to type commands instead of speaking.

  • How to Use: Double-tap the bottom of the display to type commands instead of speaking.
  • Benefits: Useful in noisy environments or when speaking is not convenient.
  • Additional Info: Supports all Siri commands and provides the same level of functionality as voice commands.

6.Personal Assistant: Siri can manage files, edit photos, and perform app-specific actions by simply asking it to do so.

  • How to Use: Ask Siri to manage files, edit photos, and perform app-specific actions.
  • Benefits: Streamlines productivity by handling tasks hands-free.
  • Additional Info: Works seamlessly with iCloud and other apps to manage your content.

7.ChatGPT Integration: When Siri can’t fulfill a request, it can bring in ChatGPT to assist. Confirm the request to use this feature.

  • How to Use: When Siri can’t fulfill a request, confirm the prompt to bring in ChatGPT for assistance.
  • Benefits: Expands Siri’s capabilities with advanced AI responses.
  • Additional Info: Ensures you get accurate information and assistance even when Siri’s native capabilities are limited.


8.Home Screen: Long-press the Home Screen to enter jiggle mode. Resize icons and widgets, and choose dark mode or colored tints in settings.

  • How to Use: Long-press the Home Screen to enter jiggle mode. Resize icons and widgets, and choose dark mode or colored tints in settings.
  • Benefits: Personalizes your Home Screen layout and appearance.
  • Additional Info: Customizing the Home Screen can improve accessibility and usability.

9.Control Center: Customize the Control Center by going to Settings > Control Center, where you can rearrange and add new quick actions.

  • How to Use: Go to Settings > Control Center to rearrange and add new quick actions.
  • Benefits: Quick access to frequently used settings and functions.
  • Additional Info: Customizable options include shortcuts to apps, system functions, and accessibility features.

10.Lock Screen Controls: Change lock screen controls in Settings > Lock Screen. Remove or swap controls like the flashlight icon.

  • How to Use: Change lock screen controls in Settings > Lock Screen. Remove or swap controls like the flashlight icon.
  • Benefits: Provides quick access to essential functions from the lock screen.
  • Additional Info: Customizing lock screen controls can enhance security and convenience.

Photos and Memories

13.Enhanced Search

  • How to Use: In the Photos app, tap the search bar and enter keywords related to people, places, or objects in your photos. Use new filters like date ranges and location tags to narrow down your search results.
  • Benefits: Makes finding specific photos quicker and more intuitive.
  • Additional Info: The enhanced search utilizes machine learning to better recognize and categorize images, providing more accurate and relevant results.

12.Collections: Open the Photos app to see automatic organization by themes such as recent days, trips, and people & pets.

  • How to Use: Open the Photos app to see automatic organization by themes such as recent days, trips, and people & pets.
  • Benefits: Makes it easier to find and relive specific memories.
  • Additional Info: Uses machine learning to identify and group related photos.

13.Clean Up Tool: Use this tool when editing photos to remove unwanted objects from the background.

  • How to Use: Use this tool when editing photos to remove unwanted objects from the background.
  • Benefits: Enhances photo quality by removing distractions.
  • Additional Info: Utilizes AI to seamlessly fill in the removed areas.

14.Custom Memories: Create personalized photo stories by typing a description in the Memories section of the Photos app.

  • How to Use: Create personalized photo stories by typing a description in the Memories section of the Photos app.
  • Benefits: Allows for the creation of unique and meaningful photo albums.
  • Additional Info: Can include music and special effects to enhance the storytelling experience.


15.Scheduling Texts: In Messages, compose your text, long-press the send button, and schedule the message to be sent later.

  • How to Use: In Messages, compose your text, long-press the send button, and schedule the message to be sent later.
  • Benefits: Helps you manage communication more effectively by planning messages in advance.
  • Additional Info: Useful for sending messages across different time zones or at specific times.

16.Tapbacks: Tap and hold a message to react with a wider range of emojis.

  • How to Use: Tap and hold a message to react with a wider range of emojis.
  • Benefits: Enhances expressiveness in conversations.
  • Additional Info: Tapbacks can convey emotions and reactions quickly without typing.

17.Text Effects: Highlight text and apply effects like bold, italic, or animated effects in Messages.

  • How to Use: Highlight text and apply effects like bold, italic, or animated effects in Messages.
  • Benefits: Adds emphasis and creativity to your messages.
  • Additional Info: Effects can be combined to create unique visual styles.

18.RCS Support: Enabled by default, RCS improves messaging experiences with Android users.

  • How to Use: Enabled by default, RCS improves messaging experiences with Android users.
  • Benefits: Provides enhanced messaging features like read receipts and high-quality media sharing.
  • Additional Info: RCS aims to provide a consistent messaging experience across different devices and platforms.

19.Satellite Messaging: Available on iPhone 14 and later, this feature allows messaging without cellular or Wi-Fi. It activates automatically when other connections are unavailable.

  • How to Use: Available on iPhone 14 and later, this feature activates automatically when other connections are unavailable.
  • Benefits: Ensures you can send messages even without cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity.
  • Additional Info: Useful for emergencies and remote locations.

Payment and Wallet

20.Tap to Cash: Open Wallet, select Apple Cash, and tap another iPhone to transfer money securely.

  • How to Use: Open Wallet, select Apple Cash, and tap another iPhone to transfer money securely.
  • Benefits: Facilitates quick and secure peer-to-peer payments.
  • Additional Info: Uses NFC technology for instant transfers.

21.Apple Pay Updates: Use Apple Pay as usual, with new options for rewards and installment plans appearing at checkout.

  • How to Use: Use Apple Pay as usual, with new options for rewards and installment plans appearing at checkout.
  • Benefits: Offers flexible payment options and additional rewards.
  • Additional Info: Installment plans can help manage large purchases more easily.

Passwords and Privacy

22.Passwords App: Manage all your passwords with end-to-end encryption in this dedicated app, found in the app library or settings.

  • How to Use: Manage all your passwords with end-to-end encryption in this dedicated app, found in the app library or settings.
  • Benefits: Enhances security and convenience for password management.
  • Additional Info: Supports autofill for seamless login experiences.

23.App Locking: Lock individual apps with Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode in Settings > Privacy.

  • How to Use: Lock individual apps with Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode in Settings > Privacy.
  • Benefits: Adds an extra layer of security for sensitive apps.
  • Additional Info: Useful for protecting personal and financial information.

24.Hide Apps: Move apps into a hidden, locked folder in the App Library. Access it through secure authentication.

  • How to Use: Move apps into a hidden, locked folder in the App Library. Access it through secure authentication.
  • Benefits: Keeps certain apps out of sight and enhances privacy.
  • Additional Info: Hidden apps remain fully functional but are concealed from the Home Screen.

25.Selective Contact Access: Grant apps access to specific contacts instead of your entire list when they request contact access.

  • How to Use: Grant apps access to specific contacts instead of your entire list when they request contact access.
  • Benefits: Protects your privacy by limiting app access to only necessary contacts.
  • Additional Info: Can be managed in Settings > Privacy.

26.Third-Party Accessory Control: Manage accessory connections in Settings > Bluetooth, allowing only specific devices to connect.

  • How to Use: Manage accessory connections in Settings > Bluetooth, allowing only specific devices to connect.
  • Benefits: Enhances security by controlling which accessories can connect to your device.
  • Additional Info: Ideal for managing Bluetooth accessories in busy environments.


27.Vehicle Motion Cues: Enable in Settings > Accessibility > Motion, which uses visual cues to reduce motion sickness.

  • How to Use: Enable in Settings > Accessibility > Motion, which uses visual cues to reduce motion sickness.
  • Benefits: Helps users who experience motion sickness while using their device.
  • Additional Info: Uses subtle animations and transitions to ease visual strain.

28.Eye Tracking: Enable Eye Tracking in Settings > Accessibility to navigate your device using eye movements.

  • How to Use: Enable Eye Tracking in Settings > Accessibility to navigate your device using eye movements.
  • Benefits: Provides an alternative navigation method for users with physical disabilities.
  • Additional Info: Compatible with a variety of apps and system functions.

29.Music Haptics: Turn on in Settings > Sounds & Haptics to feel vibrations synced with music playback.

  • How to Use: Turn on in Settings > Sounds & Haptics to feel vibrations synced with music playback.
  • Benefits: Enhances the sensory experience of listening to music.
  • Additional Info: Can be customized to match different music genres.

Enhanced Apps

30.Safari Highlights: Safari automatically highlights important information on webpages as you browse.

  • How to Use: Safari automatically highlights important information on webpages as you browse.
  • Benefits: Makes it easier to find key information quickly.
  • Additional Info: Uses machine learning to identify and highlight relevant content.

31.Reader Mode: Activate by tapping the reader icon in Safari, which now includes summaries and a table of contents.

  • How to Use: Activate by tapping the reader icon in Safari, which now includes summaries and a table of contents.
  • Benefits: Improves readability and navigation of web content.
  • Additional Info: Customizable to adjust text size, font, and background color.

32.Notes App: Use live audio recording and transcription features, and solve equations directly in your notes.

  • How to Use: Use live audio recording and transcription features, and solve equations directly in your notes.
  • Benefits: Enhances productivity and note-taking capabilities.
  • Additional Info: Transcriptions can be edited and formatted for clarity.

33.Mail Categorization: Emails are automatically sorted into categories like promotions and personal.

  • How to Use: Emails are automatically sorted into categories like promotions and personal.
  • Benefits: Helps you manage your inbox more efficiently.
  • Additional Info: Categories can be customized and new filters added.

34.Maps: Access new topographic maps and offline custom routes within the Maps app.

  • How to Use: Access new topographic maps and offline custom routes within the Maps app.
  • Benefits: Provides detailed navigation and mapping options, even offline.
  • Additional Info: Offline routes can be downloaded in advance for use in areas with no connectivity.

35.Game Mode: Enable in Settings > Game Mode to optimize performance during gameplay.

  • How to Use: Enable in Settings > Game Mode to optimize performance during gameplay.
  • Benefits: Enhances gaming performance and reduces interruptions.
  • Additional Info: Automatically adjusts system resources to prioritize gaming

Native App Improvements

36.Calculator: Now supports unit conversion and a scientific calculator in portrait orientation. Access these features in the Calculator app.

  • How to Use: Access unit conversion and a scientific calculator in portrait orientation in the Calculator app.
  • Benefits: Adds functionality for more complex calculations and conversions.
  • Additional Info: Includes new conversion options like currency and temperature.

37.Calendar: View Reminders directly within the Calendar app for better task management.

  • How to Use: View Reminders directly within the Calendar app for better task management.
  • Benefits: Integrates tasks and events for streamlined planning.
  • Additional Info: Reminders can be created and managed within the Calendar interface.

38.Journal: Log your state of mind and track goals within the Journal app. Search and sort entries easily.

  • How to Use: Log your state of mind and track goals within the Journal app. Search and sort entries easily.
  • Benefits: Helps with personal reflection and goal tracking.
  • Additional Info: Supports multimedia entries, including photos and voice notes.

39.Apple TV App: Explore new content management features and improvements.

  • How to Use: Explore new content management features and improvements.
  • Benefits: Better organization and discovery of content.
  • Additional Info: Includes personalized recommendations and watchlists.

40.Home App: Enhanced functionality for smart home devices with easier controls and automation.

  • How to Use: Enhanced functionality for smart home devices with easier controls and automation.
  • Benefits: Simplifies the management of smart home devices.
  • Additional Info: Supports more devices and includes new automation options.

41.SharePlay: Improved features for sharing content during FaceTime calls.

  • How to Use: Improved features for sharing content during FaceTime calls.
  • Benefits: Enhances the shared viewing experience during calls.
  • Additional Info: Supports more apps and content types for sharing.

42.Apple Fitness+: New workouts and tracking capabilities for a more personalized fitness experience.

  • How to Use: Access new workouts and tracking capabilities for a more personalized fitness experience.
  • Benefits: Offers tailored workout plans and progress tracking.
  • Additional Info: Integrates with the Health app for comprehensive fitness data.

43.Freeform: Access new tools for creativity and collaboration in the Freeform app.

  • How to Use: Access new tools for creativity and collaboration in the Freeform app.
  • Benefits: Enhances creative projects and team collaboration.
  • Additional Info: Includes new drawing tools and collaborative features.

Miscellaneous Features

44.AirPods Pro 2: Interact with Siri by nodding or shaking your head, and use Voice Isolation for better audio control.

  • How to Use: Interact with Siri by nodding or shaking your head, and use Voice Isolation for better audio control.
  • Benefits: Provides hands-free control and improved audio clarity.
  • Additional Info: Voice Isolation can be enabled in the AirPods settings.

45.Voice Isolation: Enable in Settings > Accessibility for improved noise control during calls and media playback.

  • How to Use: Enable in Settings > Accessibility for improved noise control during calls and media playback.
  • Benefits: Enhances audio quality by reducing background noise.
  • Additional Info: Ideal for use in noisy environments.

46.Offline Maps: Save maps for offline use with turn-by-turn guidance in the Maps app.

  • How to Use: Save maps for offline use with turn-by-turn guidance in the Maps app.
  • Benefits: Provides navigation even without an internet connection.
  • Additional Info: Offline maps can be updated periodically for accuracy.

47.Improved Reminders: Enhanced task management with new features in the Reminders app.

  • How to Use: Enhanced task management with new features in the Reminders app.
  • Benefits: Better organization and tracking of tasks.
  • Additional Info: Includes new reminder options like location-based and time-sensitive reminders.

48.Better Notifications: Customize notification settings for more control over how and when they appear.

  • How to Use: Customize notification settings for more control over how and when they appear.
  • Benefits: Reduces notification clutter and distractions.
  • Additional Info: Supports different notification settings for specific apps.

49.Enhanced Security: New privacy settings for managing app permissions and data security.

  • How to Use: New privacy settings for managing app permissions and data security.
  • Benefits: Improves protection of personal information.
  • Additional Info: Includes options for managing data sharing and app permissions.

50.Enhanced Battery Life: System optimizations for longer battery performance.

  • How to Use: System optimizations for longer battery performance.
  • Benefits: Extends battery life for longer usage between charges.
  • Additional Info: Includes new power-saving modes and battery health monitoring.

51.Advanced Widgets: More functional and interactive widgets available for the Home Screen.

  • How to Use: More functional and interactive widgets available for the Home Screen.
  • Benefits: Provides more information and functionality at a glance.
  • Additional Info: Widgets can be customized and resized to fit your Home Screen layout.

52.Redesigned App Library: Easier navigation and organization of apps.

  • How to Use: Easier navigation and organization of apps.
  • Benefits: Simplifies app management and discovery.
  • Additional Info: Includes new sorting and search options for quicker access to apps.

53.Improved Health App: New metrics and tracking capabilities for better health management.

  • How to Use: New metrics and tracking capabilities for better health management.
  • Benefits: Offers comprehensive health monitoring and insights.
  • Additional Info: Integrates with other health and fitness devices for more detailed data.

54.Activity Rings: Better integration with health and fitness data for tracking your activity.

  • How to Use: Better integration with health and fitness data for tracking your activity.
  • Benefits: Provides a visual representation of your daily activity and progress.
  • Additional Info: Can be shared with friends for added motivation.

55.New Wallpapers: Explore additional dynamic and static wallpaper options in Settings.

  • How to Use: Explore additional dynamic and static wallpaper options in Settings.
  • Benefits: Personalizes your device with fresh and vibrant backgrounds.
  • Additional Info: Includes both system wallpapers and custom options.

56.Better File Management: Improved features in the Files app for easier document handling.

  • How to Use: Improved features in the Files app for easier document handling.
  • Benefits: Enhances productivity with better file organization and access.
  • Additional Info: Supports new file formats and cloud storage integrations.

57.New Emojis: An expanded emoji library with new characters for more expressive communication.

  • How to Use: An expanded emoji library with new characters for more expressive communication.
  • Benefits: Adds variety and fun to messaging.
  • Additional Info: New emojis are available across all apps that support emoji input.

58.Refined Haptic Feedback: Improved feedback for a more tactile user experience

  • How to Use: Improved feedback for a more tactile user experience.
  • Benefits: Provides a more immersive and responsive interaction with your device.
  • Additional Info: Haptic feedback can be adjusted in Settings > Sounds & Haptics.

59.CarPlay Enhancements: New features for a better in-car experience with CarPlay.

  • How to Use: New features for a better in-car experience with CarPlay.
  • Benefits: Improves navigation, entertainment, and hands-free communication.
  • Additional Info: Supports new apps and more customization options.

60.Improved Bluetooth: Better connectivity and new features for Bluetooth devices.

  • How to Use: Better connectivity and new features for Bluetooth devices.
  • Benefits: Enhances the performance and reliability of Bluetooth connections.
  • Additional Info: Includes support for more Bluetooth devices and profiles.

61.Redesigned Settings: Easier access to frequently used settings with a new layout.

  • How to Use: Easier access to frequently used settings with a new layout.
  • Benefits: Simplifies navigation and settings management.
  • Additional Info: Frequently used settings are now more prominently displayed.

62.Siri Shortcuts: More powerful automation tools for creating custom shortcuts.

  • How to Use: More powerful automation tools for creating custom shortcuts.
  • Benefits: Automates routine tasks for increased efficiency.
  • Additional Info: Shortcuts can be triggered by voice commands, widgets, or automation rules.

63.Improved Spotlight: Enhanced search capabilities for finding content on your device.

  • How to Use: Enhanced search capabilities for finding content on your device.
  • Benefits: Provides faster and more accurate search results.
  • Additional Info: Supports natural language queries and contextual search.

64.New Weather App Features: Additional weather metrics and alerts in the Weather app.

  • How to Use: Additional weather metrics and alerts in the Weather app.
  • Benefits: Offers more detailed and timely weather information.
  • Additional Info: Includes new visualizations and severe weather alerts.

65.Enhanced Siri Suggestions: More context-aware recommendations from Siri.

  • How to Use: More context-aware recommendations from Siri.
  • Benefits: Provides more relevant and timely suggestions based on your activity.
  • Additional Info: Suggestions appear in apps like Safari, Mail, and Messages.

66.Augmented Reality: New AR capabilities and experiences for iPhone users.

  • How to Use: New AR capabilities and experiences for iPhone users.
  • Benefits: Enhances interactive and immersive experiences.
  • Additional Info: AR apps can be found on the App Store and include educational and entertainment options.

67.Enhanced Accessibility Settings: More options for users with disabilities.

  • How to Use: More options for users with disabilities.
  • Benefits: Improves usability and accessibility for a wider range of users.
  • Additional Info: Includes new features like sound recognition and improved VoiceOver support.

68.Improved Text Input: Better autocorrect and predictive text for faster typing.

  • How to Use: Better autocorrect and predictive text for faster typing.
  • Benefits: Increases typing accuracy and speed.
  • Additional Info: Supports multilingual input and context-aware suggestions.

69.Screen Time Enhancements: More tools for managing device usage and screen time.

  • How to Use: More tools for managing device usage and screen time.
  • Benefits: Helps monitor and reduce screen time for better digital wellbeing.
  • Additional Info: Includes new reports and parental control options.

70.Parental Controls: Enhanced features for managing children’s devices and usage.

  • How to Use: Enhanced features for managing children’s devices and usage.
  • Benefits: Provides better control over children’s access and screen time.
  • Additional Info: Supports new restrictions and monitoring tools

71.Advanced Privacy Reports: Detailed reports on app permissions and data usage.

  • How to Use: Detailed reports on app permissions and data usage.
  • Benefits: Increases transparency and control over personal data.
  • Additional Info: Privacy reports can be accessed in Settings > Privacy.

72.App Suggestions: More accurate app recommendations based on your usage patterns.

  • How to Use: More accurate app recommendations based on your usage patterns.
  • Benefits: Helps discover useful apps tailored to your interests.
  • Additional Info: Recommendations appear in the App Store and Spotlight search.

73.Enhanced Voice Memos: Improved recording quality and editing options in the Voice Memos app.

  • How to Use: Improved recording quality and editing options in the Voice Memos app.
  • Benefits: Provides better audio recording and editing capabilities.
  • Additional Info: Supports new features like background noise reduction and enhanced audio effects.

These 73 features make iOS 18 a powerhouse of customization, productivity, and user experience enhancements. Whether you’re looking to streamline your workflow, personalize your device, or simply enjoy new ways to interact with your iPhone, iOS 18 has something to offer. Dive into these features and explore the full potential of your device.

