My new Gaming Chair @Home

Nuno Caneco
3 min readMay 29, 2017


I usually spend about 2 to 3 hours every day on my computer at my home office either working, reading or just surfing the web.

I have a simple, yet nice setup: 24" LCD screen, keyboard (not mechanic, sorry), mouse, laptop set on a stand and bluetooth speaker.

But there was something that was kind of incomplete: the chair.

I have been fancying a Gaming Chair for a long time, now. I’ve read a couple of reviews about “Office chairs” vs “Gaming chairs” (this one from Reddit actually provided good advice) and the conclusion I got to is:

Buy a good, comfortable, ergonomic chair. Do not buy cheap chairs.

So a couple of days ago, I decided that I would be replacing my old-and-uncomfortable chair. So I started looking and found the Alpha Gamer Gamma which really delighted me on comfort, ergonomics and — let’s be honest — the looks.

Although I’m no gamer at all, I do enjoy the looks and comfort of gamer chairs. So, why not?

So, today, I finally bought it. And I’m absolutely happy about it. So happy, that I decided to write this post just to be able to enjoy my new chair for a bit longer before going to bed.

First impression

As soon as I sat down, I stood at the perfect height for my desk (which is a bit high); This allowed me to be in a position where my hands are comfortable to handle the keyboard and look at the screen with a bit of down angle;

I’m now sitting for about 2 hours straight and I’m really comfortable: The cushion for back support is really effective and provides great comfort; the cushion for the head is great; and my legs and feet are perfectly positioned.

I could be standing here all night, now.

Advice for buying a chair

If you spend a considerable amount of hours sitting down at the desk working with your computer, it’s really important to think about ergonomics.

It’s your posture and health that’s on the line here.

So, here’s a couple of non-expert piece of advice:

  • Adjustable arm rest: Some chairs use the arm rest to support the structure of the chair it self. This leads to having the arm rest on a fixed place which will probably interfere with your most natural position to seat
  • Good back support: Ensure that the back of the chair gives your lower back a good support. Having a cushion is probably a plus
  • High back: Make sure the back of the chair is high enough to allow your head to rest on it. You probably don’t want to have permanent contact between your head and the back of the chair, but you sure want to be able to rest your head with a slight movement to the back.
  • Comfort: make sure the cushions that support the chair are comfortable enough

This is how it looks now



Nuno Caneco

Engineering Manager by day ; Software Engineer by design