The Path to ? — Mornings (part 1)

Nuno Faria
3 min readAug 29, 2022


The last two years have been an hell of a ride. The 4th wall was severily broken when main stream media imposed a single source of truth policy about mask wearing, virus spreading and vaccine effectiveness.

When those warnings and measures entered my life I was shocked. I myself have been living for long years in what I believe is the most healthiest and conscious way, connected to nature, eating plant-based organic food, exercising, ditching all kind of pharmaceuticals in favor of natural medecins when seldomly needed.

Suddenly I was told to fear Nature, friends and family, to cut off from strong deep breathing, to cancel all social gatherings, to just trust “News” and “Science”. Already knowing enough about vaccines, I read a lot about masks, respiractory virus and the new mRNA technology. From that I understood there was some kind of show going on, that had just crashed landed on me.

As vaccine mandates started to be discussed, as a possibility to have access to “normal” life, I became a little nervous. There was a clearly a choice to be made: conform and be silent or be loudly true to myself.

So, having the conditions to sustain myself for a while, more or less a year ago, I decided to give myself some space by quitting my job. Overnight I switched an eight hour a day desk schedule to a scary free flowing day shift.

The New Mornings

Not wanting to turn lazy I sticked to the waking up at 07h30am routine. I used to do some weight lifting so, being under lockdown, I explored a way to do it at home and found Freeletics, but at the last minute I switched it by the completely different Asana Rebel, because I thought in this new phase it would be more important for me to tone, stretch and relax than to do some muscle building. After a 30m workout, I then have a slow breakfeast, and by 08h30am I’m ready to do whatever needs to be done.

I decided to use my mornings to do some home improvements and apply, recently acquired, permaculture knowledge in my small piece of land.

It was a change from digital maestro, and laptop keyboard player, to full body works, doing stuff I never would have thought being able to do. From gutter rooftop assembly to well cleaning, carpentry works, fence building, swaling, seeding, growing, prunning, harvesting, etc. Damn, it felt good! Not only was I improving a lot of stuff, as I was keeping an active body in the process.

I quickly realised I was also saving a lot of money, as the price of hiring someone to do the work I was doing was in the thousands of euros. I traded working in a desk, in order to generate money to pay someone to do what I needed, by doing it myself. Of course I still needed to pay some materials so it was not a zero expense work, although lots of stuff, like wood stakes, were scavenged in nearby woods.

This new way of living has also shown me that, if the weather does not go crazy, after setting up your vegetable garden and orchard, passing the needed learning curve, a few hours in the morning are enough to grow your own food. That has been a true bliss.

By the end of every morning I am completely worn up and filled with joy, ready to share a lovely meal with my beautiful girlfriend.

I’ve shared, and will continue to do it on future posts, some of the things I’m doing and insights I acquired in this precious free time of mine. Maybe it’s usefull for someone, maybe I’ll get some comments that may change my current path. Hopefully it will also be an enjoyable reading.



Nuno Faria

Just another thinking, dreaming, sharing, connecting and acting living human in this world. Author on Portuguese blog