Living in Darmstadt

Nupur Aggarwal
4 min readMar 3, 2017


One should never come to Darmstadt, for the simple reason, that it does not make you want to leave!

Darmstadt is a city in the state of Hesse in Germany. It is also the official “City of science” (German: Wissenschaftsstadt).

A cold winter morning in Darmstadt was nothing short of graceful. A leisurely stroll around the University looked like this:

TU Darmstadt Lichtwiese campus © Nupur Aggarwal
Nieder Ramstadter Studenwohnhein © Nupur Aggarwal
Alexanderstrase © Nupur Aggarwal

It’s a blend of the old and the new, like the old lecture hall that stands with the comparatively-new library of TU :

The famous Ratskeller Brewery:

Darmstädter Ratskeller Hausbrauerei © Nupur Aggarwal

Fresh flora in the winter

The skies can be inspiring at times

TU Darmstadt — Stadtmitte Campus © Nupur Aggarwal
Nieder Ramstadter Studenwohnhein © Nupur Aggarwal

And a beautiful autumn

Nieder Ramstadter Studenwohnhein © Nupur Aggarwal

And the beautifully dotted Lichtweise campus

TU Darmstadt Lichtwiese Campus © Nupur Aggarwal
TU Darmstadt Lichtwiese Campus © Nupur Aggarwal

The december christmas markets

Christmas market 2016 © Nupur Aggarwal
Christmas market 2016 © Nupur Aggarwal

Public art is everywhere!

TU Darmstadt — Stadtmitte Campus © Nupur Aggarwal

A Russian chapel which looks ethereal:

St. Mary Magdalene Chapel, is an historic Russian orthodox church in Darmstadt © Nupur Aggarwal

Hundertwasser’s famous living complex

A building with no edges : Waldspirale © Nupur Aggarwal

Basically it’s the kind of city you would want to live in forever. The quiet streets, the most helpful and kind people, the lush Lichtweise campus of the main university, TU Darmstadt and speck-clean environment. The moment you step in, there’s an air which is clean and inviting. Not much of the old city remains, as we were told, after the war.

Given that this city is full of students, there’s always something happening at the odd hours for you to catch up. You also find this special Apfelwine drink called “Laternchen” at Hobbit.

That’s a glass of cherry wine shot inside a glass of Apfelwine, only served at a bar called “Hobbit”

A surreal view as I walk upto my department each day :

Nieder Ramstadter Studenwohnhein © Nupur Aggarwal

It’s the small joys which make it so fun. There were so many friends I made, the dinner parties we had, all the Indian cooking we did (I’m going to write another blog about it) and basically the feeling of being at home. After the short trips that I took around Europe, it would be such a pleasurable feeling to come back to Darmstadt Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) and wait for the tram just outside, while eating one of those Brezels mit Kase.

The Hauptbahnhof is a beautiful place:

Darmstadt Hauptbahnhof © Nupur Aggarwal

I won’t be able to forget you, Darmstadt! Stay the same, I would be back for sure :)

P.S. Special thanks to ALL my coordinators, friends and family who’ve been supportive throughout this journey. I cannot thank anyone enough or say this without being emotional.

P.P.S. All pictures are with my phone camera, MOTO G3.

