Attract Wealth & Good Fortune With This Psychological Tricks

Nur M. Tuhin
5 min readSep 28, 2022


I don’t believe that luck is the primary means of how to attract wealth and good fortune. Honestly, the thought that it does, contradicts almost everything I believe in. For the most part, I do not think an individual’s wealth and good fortune are due to luck. But others disagree with me. Warren Buffett attributes much of his success and wealth to luck. In contrast, I have always believed that you make your own breaks. And, you make your own luck. Working smart, working hard. Because the law of attraction actually works to turn luck to your side.

Wealth and Good Fortune Comes To Those Who Think Positively

Have a positive outlook to attract money. Look at the bright side of things. Don’t dwell on the negative. Practice positive self-talk when it comes to money. By being positive you will attract better people to associate with. And those better people will help you on your journey to wealth and good fortune.

Good Fortune Comes To Those Who Are Humble

When you make it with money, I know you will be humble about it. Being so is an important element of how to attract good luck with money. I’m going to pick on sales professionals now. If you are in sales, don’t get mad at me. Because you are the engine that drives business. But, I want to relate this brief story. I had a co-worker who had a funny saying about sales professionals. When it came to money, he would say that sales pros “brag about making it and brag about spending it.” I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand being around people like that. And of course, it’s not just salespeople who do it.

So, be humble!

Practice Patience

There is an old saying that “patience is a virtue”. I think this saying gets challenged these days with smartphones and a 24/7 work mindset. But when it comes to attracting wealth, good fortune, and money. Having patience is critical. In fact, the average age of newly minted millionaires is 49.

Think Long Term

Patience comes in handy as it relates to long-term thinking. So, avoid short-sighted decisions. When it comes to your current job, your career, where you live and the people you surround yourself with, think long-term. And start thinking long-term at an early age.

Think In Terms Of Income Not Debt

First, focus your thoughts on how to make more money. To do so, ask yourself and think about these questions…

Can you get a raise from your current employer?

How can you position yourself for a promotion?

Can you start a side hustle?

Are your savings and investments earning the most that they can?

Second, turn your thoughts away from debt. Outside of a home mortgage, an auto loan, and student debt, never think about debt to finance any other purchases. The only thought about debt that you should have is how to pay off existing debt faster.

Visualize It — Imagine You Are Rich

Think big. Don’t be limited by your thinking. What will your life be like and look like when you attract wealth and good fortune?

Stop Worrying

I’m a bit of a worry wort. And it is not a good habit. Based on my experiences, worrying has no value. Instead of worrying, take physical action. So, let’s talk about what actions to take next.

Take Action

We have taken care of our Chinese philosophy lesson with Feng Shui. They are some good lessons on how to attract luck. Next, let’s look at a few other physical actions we can all take for having money. And most importantly, for attracting wealth and good fortune.

Face The Facts

Get your financial facts together. What is your net worth? How much money do you spend and where do you spend it? Do you have investments? Then, what are they? And are they the right investments for your stage in life?

So, spend some time getting familiar with your personal finances. Do this activity in your feng shui money area.

Spend In Alignment With Your Values

Decide what you value in life. Is it travel, a beautiful home, delicious food, or live entertainment? I don’t know what it is for you. And what you value may change over time. But whatever it is, spend money on what you value. And cut out spending in other areas of your life.

Share What You Have

Don’t forget to give back or donate to charities if that is something important to you. Personally, I’m not big on giving away money. At least not yet. But some people swear by it when it comes to their wealth and good fortune. As my mother used to say…

“you get back twice as much in return as you give” my mother was always right. At least that’s what she told me!

Be A Minimalist

Minimize your belongings to only what you need and use. Be minimal with your finances by streamlining and simplifying them. It is contradictory in some ways, but I like to say “minimize your finances to maximize your money”.

Act Upbeat Even When You’re Not

We already talked about the power of positive thinking. As it relates to attracting wealth and good fortune. But sometimes, we can’t help being a little down. When that happens, act upbeat. Stand up tall. Put a smile on your face and act like you are the happiest person on the planet. Oftentimes, our thoughts will follow our actions and our mood will brighten.


What do you want to be good at when it comes to making money? I am going to exaggerate a bit here. But, if you have 2 jobs, 4 side hustles, and are going to school part-time. Well, in my humble opinion, you probably aren’t focused. So, choose 1 or 2 things to be really good at. Those things should be what and where you believe you can make money. Mostly over the long term.

Invest Money In Self-Improvement

Investing in continuous development is almost always a good place for your money. Be it books, classes, certifications, or on-the-job training. Just make sure your self-investment is aligned with your 1 or 2 money-making focus areas.

Take Smart Risks

You probably won’t attract wealth by putting all of your money in a low-interest savings account. Or, staying in the wrong job for too long. Some of your money belongs to risky assets like stock market investments. And sometimes you need to change jobs to make more money. There is always a risk that these types of activities won’t work out. So take some calculated risks with your money-making endeavors and investments.

Put Yourself “Out There”

We all, to some degree, fear failure and rejection. But you can’t insulate yourself from those things. Because failure and rejection come with taking calculated risks. So, if you want to know how to get good luck…

Don’t fear failure. Embrace it. I like this saying, “when one door closes, another one will open. I think it’s very true.



Nur M. Tuhin

A human behaviour researcher and 3rd-generation Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, Activist.