A Glimpse of Her Greatness

Nur A
2 min readSep 24, 2017


The day Zeinab (as) was born, they asked Imam Ali (as) “what shall you name her?” He responded, this is an honour for the Prophet (saww).

They asked RasoolAllah (saww) and he said, this is Allah’s decision.

Gabriel came and provided, “her name is Zeinab.”

But why Zeinab?

“Because Allah (swt) has decorated His Kingdom with the beauty of Imam Ali (as), and Allah (swt) adorns Imam Ali (as) with the noor of Sayedda Zeinab (as).”

Then, Gabriel lowered his head, let down his wings, and he lamented. The Prophet (saww) asked, “why do you grieve?”

Gabriel tells him, this is not her only name. She has been given another title. Um al Masayeb. The mother of tribulations.

Sayedda Zeinab was known as Um al Masayeb, for she witnessed her grandfather, the Prophet himself, pass away.

At the age of three she witnesses her mother, the leader of the women of the world, die an unjust death at a terribly young age.

She witnesses her father, Amir al Mumineen, depart at the sword of the most cursed man to ever live.

The trials did not end here.

For Zeinab, the trials never ended.

She witnesses her brother Imam Hasan, die a difficult death. As his own intestines pour from his mouth due to poison given to him by his own wife.

And finally. When the day arrives, she witnesses her beloved brother Imam Hussain, butchered on the plains of Karbala.

After losing Abbas, Asghar, Akbar.. Hussein’s great sacrifice, and every man who came to give his life. But it does not end. When the men are left lifeless, on the hot grounds of Karban wa Bala, she is chained. She is paraded through the streets.

Yet when asked by the tyrant himself, what she thinks of her time in Karbala…

“I saw nothing but Beauty.”

Many years before Karbala takes place, the Ahlul Bayt are presented with their fate. They are to decide if they accept this burden, the price of their leadership. They each accept.

Each one of them accepts immediately, except for Aba ‘Abdillah, Imam Hussein (as).

For, he pauses at his fate in Karbala. He pauses, not for himself, but for what will befall the women and children.

It is then, a Light appears. This Noor promises Hussain (as), do not worry — for I will protect them.

This Light,

None other than Zeinab al Kubra (as).

I saw nothing but Beauty.



Nur A

JD/MA Dual Degree Candidate. Studying law, international affairs, human rights, and climate change. Marsh Iraqi.