What GPT-Goes-Down Reminds Us

Jun 4, 2024


Days after days, we are more used to ChatGPT right now.

ChatGPT is Inaccessible for hours

Until the moment i write this blog, ChatGPT is still inaccessible.

It disturbs us since we might have important chat history with GPT and we need to use it at the moment. Or simply just to ask for help, just like any other day.

ChatGPT goes down makes us see how much we’re needing it now. Some kind of addiction or a little unconfident doing something without it.

But where we’ve been before ChatGPT exists?

We were doing fine.

The case of GPT going down makes us to be more independent and original. Again.

Let’s prove to ourself that we use ChatGPT to assist. Not to fully delegate.

To make it a second opinion. Not to command.

